$5 gets you a lot Around Here.

Available: Advertising spots of 125 x 125 pixels. And what a bargain they are! 6 main spots rotate with ads. They are visible on sidebars of both the homepage and interior pages. You only need $5 (in coffee money that’s just one Starbuck’s latte) to get in on it.

• If interested•

1. Use the contact me form if interested, and include the link for where your ad should point.

2. Let me know what you want to use for your image (maybe something from your website, or a personal photo, for instance.) 

3. Use the secure Paypal buy now button to select the option you prefer and purchase your ad space. Multiple week buys are discounted.

Ads runs Wednesday-Wednesdays, but may posted before Wednesday, at no extra charge. 

Please pass along this offer to anyone you think would like to promote themselves, for cheap.

$5 can get you:

• More hits on your website.

• Promote your latest project or post series quickly and simply.

• Get cheap exposure for your ministry, group, book, product, or service.

I hope to hear from you soon!


-Rates are good until March 31, 2012, and then are subject to change.