Concrete Ways to help Victims in Haiti


You can help Haiti.


The earthquake in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, will cause the death of so many. Estimates are now calculated at over 100,000. All major government buildings are down, the schools, the hospitals, the jails–just rubble. It makes the Katrina disaster look like a picnic by the sea.

Even before this earthquake some Haitians kill hunger pains by eating mud cakes, or mixing dirt in with cornmeal to make in last longer.

BUT! Don’t feel too overwhelmed to help.

Efforts are mobilizing: Here is a link to what is being done.

Here are a few simple ways to start helping right away:

World Relief is responding immediately –Donate now  to help the most vulnerable – families and children – in the immediate aftermath.  Emergency kits will be distributed that will include items such as ready-to-eat food, water and a blanket.  Time is critical. You can respond with any amount you are able to give. 

• Doctors Without Borders is asking for donations to help the emergency response teams in Haiti. Donate with a debit or credit card at

• The Red Cross is taking donations via text messages. Text the word HAITI to the number 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts. It’ll show up on your phone bill. Or donate online

• Operation Helping Hands, a joint community project of The Miami Herald and United Way-Miami, will be collecting donations to support the relief effort in Haiti.

To make a contribution, go to

Checking on relatives in Haiti:

• Mercy Corps established a Haiti Earthquake Fund, PO Box 2669,Portland, OR 97208,, 1-888-256-1900

On Twitter: 
Donate $5 by texting YELE to 501501 or at

I will update this page, as more opportunities become known.

Leave comments if you have information or news that would be helpful. Thank you.

Please pray for the people and aid workers in this decimated country.

Pet Food, Priorities, and care for people


$17 billion per year on pet food
$17 billion per year on pet food

Jonathan Bonk writes that a recent United Nations Human Development Report concludes that Americans and Europeans spend $17 billion on pet food. This is $4 billion more than could provide basic health care and nutrition for the world’s population.

What do you have to say in response to this?

Lost Dog Tootsie

tootsieJumpy, foolish, and run amuck. That was Tootsie. I didn’t know her name, but when a skittish dog weaved up the center of my street towing a 20 foot chain, I called out to her, and tried to help.

She was friendly, but fearful. She panted and started for me, but when she realized I might end her dash toward total independence, she started to scoot away–her long chain clattered behind her. Instead of heightening my urgency, I scaled it back, and made my tone friendlier. “Come here, it’s okay!” I tapped my leg in what is a sort of international signal for dog to come. She perked up her ears, and darted around, still unsure of her next move. She was going to bolt. The long muddy chain was her foil. I edged after her, and she made a break for it. Then, I stepped on the chain, and used it to reel her in. Once arrested from flight, she was friendly and excited. With a hyper spirit only a very inbred dog exhibits, she jumped, and spun, and zipped about. My daughter was delighted.

Now to find the owner. The last thing I wanted was to keep a dog like this for too long. I sighed relief–her dog tag had a phone number. I phoned–the number was disconnected. She began barking, and jumping, popped two of our plastic balls, and knocked over her new water dish for the fourth time. I hoped there would be a big reward for finding her.

About an hour later, three children who had heard familiar barking came to get her. They said her name was Tootsie. Their gate was open, and they didn’t know how she got away.

I got to thinking about Tootsie, and her recklessness. Her ignorance of her freedom, and the danger she didn’t know she was in apart from her caretakers. The wild look in her eye, and the confusion of being on her own–excited, yet quite lost, and ultimately alone. Until I stepped in, her fate was dubious.

I wonder if we think of people with the same kind companion we do for animals. When someone has lost their way, feels alone, or is out of the watchful care they need, do we hurry to help them? Or do we size up everything first? Do we decide if it’s worth it, or if they are worthy of the work we’ll have to put in?

Maybe it’s easier to help an animal because we assume they are quite helpless, but people can do far better helping themselves. But, the truth is, no one can go it alone. Not Tootsie, not me, not you, not anyone. Reaching out is the only way things genuinely improve. And I don’t mean reaching out just any way, but with true graciousness. Real compassion, and the kind of love we hope is shown to us, or those we love.

How do you feel about it?

And have you ever rescued a person or animal?

Go ahead and talk about it in a comment. :)

Thanks for reading.