Max, King of the Wild Things [SSL134]

Today on Spark My Muse I feature a reading of one of my most favorite books “Where the Things Are” by Maurice Sendak
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MAGIC Mellon!

Look what I found when I cut open this cantaloupe (or for you people in Iowa, think: “MUSK Mellon” ) .

So, maybe Voldemort practiced on fruit before he got to Harry Potter?

I know what you’re thinking, “Magic!”

Lightening bolt scar on Harry Potter's mellon.

Upon closer inspection I saw the cause of this odd lightening bolt phenomenon. A seed. A seed braking free!

My knife cut the seed in half to best reveal its strange path “toward the edge”. I’ve never seen anything like it, have you? I nearly starting dialing J. K. Rowling for an explanation.

Sometimes leaving the safety of the group, to make a break for it is downright magical. It’s extraordinary. Have you ever had to make a “magical moment” happen?

YOUR mission: Tell me something “magical” you’ve seen lately! I’ll give you until the end of the day!