Superb Snail Mail Meets Geocaching!

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Give it to a friend or hide it in a Geocache. This is a lot of family fun!


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The Artistic Personality

Lonely Gladiator
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Emre Ergin via Compfight

I wanted to call attention to a fascinating article from my bud, Ed featured at Prodigal Magazine.

Launching from a tumultuous topic that men should “bring in the bacon” Ed talks about cultural constructs, expectations, and his upcoming fatherhood. He also touches on something I’d like to highlight here today. That is, the nature of the artistic personality type. Creatives.

Recently, I watched the season finale of the drama series MADMEN. Megan is married to wealthy ad man Don Draper. She pursues a career as an actress for the love of it. She doesn’t need the money, unlike many of her aspiring thesbian friends. Still, failure is difficult to handle for her.

Whether the stakes are one’s livelihood or one’s artistic ambitions an artist desires to succeed. This time, Megan’s mother rues the fact that Megan has an artistic temperament but not the artistic talent…

It was an intriguing comment. When considered it has big implications on many creative types. It’s about temperament. For who else is this true? I wondered.

But maybe this insight from the artist’s mother doesn’t reveal the whole story…maybe the talents are just unidentified or underperforming at the moment. Maybe the niche hasn’t been discovered or one hasn’t found “the zone” for their artistic endeavors. All the angst that comes with that is immense. Finding our way as creatives is the “epic hero journey” (a la Steven Pressfield) that involves mostly struggle.

Do you have “the artistic temperament”? 

What has it cost you?

7 Creative Stocking Stuffer Ideas = Imagination (under $5 ea.)

Give your kids the weirdest stocking stuffers EVER.
Their imagination just might kick up a notch.

If they run into a creative wall, you need only use youtube to get your ideas. (or click links in this post)

Clothes pins

perfect for:

Ream of paper

perfect for 

  • loads of things!

Roll of Duct Tape

  • Check out these instructions on how to make a cool Duct Tape wallet

Ball of twine or wire

perfect for

  • use with the previously mentioned clothes pins for hanging art
  • making jewelry
  • making crafts or gadgets


perfect for

Magnets (especially Neodymium ones)

perfect for

  • Making a homopolar motor when you include:
  • “AA” Battery
  • Wire

Office Supplies

  • paper clips
  • post it notes
  • rubber bands
They’ll only hate you in the short term.

“Is Mark Driscoll a Cult Leader?” (Infographic)

In the last post I talked about the qualities of a cult, or a group that has social decay (some cult-like qualities). I got some questions, such as: “So, are you implying that Mark Driscoll is a cult leader?”

Gosh… that’s awkward. Instead of making a pronouncement, I’ll let you judge for yourself.

I made this handy info graphic to make the whole thing easier to understand. Enjoy.

Cool bonus. This image may be shared. Official Creative Commons license of this work. 


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Embed it in your site!

 Creative Commons License
"'Is Mark Driscoll A Cult Leader?' Infographic"
by Lisa Colón DeLay is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution- Non Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this
license may be available by
contacting the creator:

Derek Sivers: The 1st Follower=Linchpin for Leading a Movement (video+info)

I don’t think of myself as much of a leader, but actually since I place my ideas and writing “out there,” I don’t have much of a choice in the matter. Most likely, I will, somehow, lead someone. Is this my goal? Nope. I enjoy being a galvanizer, instead. Yep, A good natured provocateur. So, really a person with some unique information, ideas, and know how that fosters and encourages good leaders and good followers (a.k.a. cooperators). As you will see, a good leader is just a looney loner, until a few key people help him or her to build momentum. As a certain kind of trust is built, it is these linchpin people who “make it happen”. I think of it as sort of the knife and needed friction on the flint that produces heat and spark.

If you’ve been faithfully reading my blog, I’d like to thank you very much. I really appreciate you, and I ask that you can help me be more than a “lone looney,” or lone loser. This funny video below will unpack that.

In some respect, we all need followers, even as much as we need to be followers. It helps to link up with people who like you and what you do. People will will invest in your growth. They transmit your message or product for you. It’s just not enough to have an idea, even a great idea. A faithful network is more important because it is the fuel to share something. I found this video on Guy Kawasaki site It’s from the TED conference. Derek Sivers, of CD Baby fame, delivers a great and useful message.

Questions to ask yourself:
Who am I helping by following and building a bridge of trust to other followers?
Who can I partner with who understands the importance of both leading and following?
Who needs to hear my message?
Who’s message do I enjoy hearing?

So, let’s help each other. Let’s build momentum. Who do you follow, and what kind of followers to you need? Let us know.

Thank you.