Eps. 176 | Unteachable Lessons; Guest, Carl McColman

Carl McColman is a soul friend and a contemplative spiritual teacher and retreat leader who writes about the spiritual life. He is a co-host with Cassidy Hall and Kevin Johnson on the fantastic Encountering Silence podcast. His books published since 2010 relate to contemplative, monastic and mystical Christianity. Today, we converse about his inspiring and quite personal book called “Unteachable Lessons: Why Wisdom Can’t Be Taught (and Why That’s Okay)” Dive in deeper on this episode HERE (Support the program today and unlock extras from many episodes. patreon.com/sparkmymuse)
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HERE is a listing of Carl’s many other books to explore. • SparkMyMuse.com contains over 330 audio episodes, an online store, and many resources. Visit. Roam. and Enjoy!
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Eps: 140 | Guest, Clint Sabom: Mystical Experiences, Monastery Life, and the Stages of Contemplative Spirituality

Today my guest is Clint Sabom. 

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Eps 129: Calibrating Your Heart | Guest, Carl McColman

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of
Spark My Muse.

Today, my guest is author, teacher, retreat leader, podcaster, and Lay Cistercian, Carl McColman.

We talk about his book The Little Books of Christian Mystics: Essential Wisdom of Saints, Seers, and Sages:

More information, to-the-minute show notes, related web links, a big book list with info links to all the books Carl mentioned, and EXTRAS for this episode can be found HERE.

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Contemplative Reading Recommendations

Advent Season is the perfect time to get all high octane spiritually speaking. Read, meditate, pray, and learn from others, and you will be so enriched as you enter the Christmas season.

My favorite undertaker, and writer friend, Caleb Wilde has been blog writing about God and Greek influence. And it struck me how much the Contemplative stream of Christianity may help inform us about things and in places where our finite intellectualizing fails us. The intersection of life and death is one of those spots.

I asked Caleb who and what he’s read from this (as Richard Foster says) “Stream of Christianity”, and he asked for recommendations. So, I thought, I’d offer them to all of you.

Please recommend your favorites too.

My not-by-any-means exhaustive list of favorite Contemplative Stream writers.

By way of a high-qulaity but compact primer I recommend Richard Foster‘s who gives a fantastic overview to each of the 6 Streams of Christianity. His “Streams of Living Waters” book covers the basic 6 traditions categorized as: Charismatic, Holiness, Contemplative, Social Justice, Evangelical,  and Incarnational flavors (if you will) within all of Christianity through the ages since Christ.

Gaining Christian spiritual insights from devoted lovers of God outside your own era and your own experience of a specific faith tradition is an invaluable blessing, and very faith building. Foster outlines major points and people of the Contemplative Stream, starting with the apostle John, in the book you see below:

Classic contemplative standby: Frances of Assisi (1181-1226)

Brother Lawrence (1611-1691) The Practice of the Presence of God (short read, and free online. sweet.)

Frank Laubach (1884-1970)

Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)

Thomas Merton (1915-1968)

Thomas Merton “In My Own Words”

Henri Nouwen 1932-1996)

Here are 2 useful previously posted articles on this Stream.
1. Kataphatic and Apophatic Prayer Explained
2.Meditation to Contemplation – Kataphatic to Apophatic Prayer (an prayer exercise/experience)

Prayer- conferring on the dignity of the Real

From Worship by Evelyn Underhill, 1937

Each separate life of worship, whatever its outward expression, in so far as it  is truly cleansed of egoism and bent upon God, is part of this one eternal Eucharistic action of the Logos incarnate in the world: and this fact strips the Christian life of prayer of all petty subjectivism, all tendency to mere religious self-culture, and confers upon it the dignity of the Real.

Evelyn Underhill