Book update–

To update visitors, friends, and fans, old and new…

3 chapters, an overview, and a new author bio is in my agent’s hands, Chip MacGregor. Editors at one place have mentioned their initial interest, and it seems there are other interesting leads as well.

The book is heading on a bit of  different path than I first imagined, so I felt the great need to revamp the subhead. The working title for the manuscript now is the following: Life As Prayer: A New Paradigm for Contemporary Spirituality Based on an Un-religious God. It is sure to be eye opening, stumbling block removing, burden lifting, and revealing how enjoyable our Creator is. I will keep you posted, so check in for more info. Also, I greatly enjoy comments to any posts, so feel free to put in your two cents, as long as it’s not spiteful of anyone.

Also- The Holy Bible: Mosaic, Tyndale’s new New Living Translation Bible is coming out in October 2009. I’ve lined up a radio spot on WGRC for the show called, “The Matter at Hand” with Larry Weidman, to speak about this project, and the meditation I wrote for it on the Trinity. This is going to be a really neat layout for the Bible that hasn’t been done yet, with readings, reflections from every century of Christianity, gorgeous artwork, 52 meditations, room to write, and more. Check this one out!



It’s the fuel to get past the obstacles before us. If it didn’t exist, we’d have to make it up. Because it exists, we carry on, and we may do it well. Through it we know that our present condition is not all there is, and not all that is most important. Hope is not just joy (sturdy happiness) and courage to persevere for a better day, but for the perfect day. A day that we cannot truly wrap our brains around quite yet. But, it’s a state and circumstance ahead in which our hearts count on. We believe in this beautiful thing, and, in that way, we are more human, not less.

It is not futile to believe in something one can’t see, or to set one’s sights on a place one’s never been. Every great explorer journeyed somewhere they had never seen, and found a place they had never set foot on, that had once been myth to everyone else.

Have hope, never give it up.
Of the three enduring things -faith, hope, and love- the greatest is love, but faith and hope support it. Faith is trust. Hope is fuel for it all.

Leave your comments about hope . . .