This is my girl. She’s a funny kid.
She thought of a way to reuse the images from a happy meal box.
If you liked it share it!
This is my girl. She’s a funny kid.
She thought of a way to reuse the images from a happy meal box.
If you liked it share it!
Not sure if this is a stunt or legit and caught by the security camera. If it’s real, then someone just had a REALLY bad day.
Either way, it’s quite a surprise.
Now that I work with bottles of wine near chairs, I’m hoping this will never be me some night.
Have you ever fallen asleep in an odd place?
Standing up?
In the bath tub?
At the movies?
Sometimes, I get sort of a “sleep attack”. I don’t think it’s narcolepsy, but I’ll feel my brain start going into delta waves or something–like a sheet is being pulled down over me. It’s almost like passing out slowly.
Cat naps are essential.
As fellow-mammals, I’m not sure that we are so different.
Sometimes sleep is the boss of us.
That’s why these 3 images were my favorites from a slew I came across. Which one do you like best?
Was this a wet cat trying to dry out?
Not sure about the lumbar support situation here, but I see a supple feline in complete relaxation.
Waiting for hotdogs? (This could end poorly)
So, did a taxpayer-funded grant go to this silly and super-obvious study on feline psychology?
Did you know this already?
I LOVE the cat profile pictures, too!
Cold as ice.
(Except the dark one on the right who looks to be planning something.)
Hope you have a fun Friday filled with good humor and a lovely weekend, too.
If you are American, Happy Independence Day!