Since November (yes, last month) I’ve started balancing Jon Acuff’s “Serious Wednesday” posts with a Wacky Wednesday alternative. It’s especially written for those who need a smidgen more zany in their lives on Wednesday, because of the vacuum left by Jon’s only mildly humorous Wednesday posts.
This post is about LeRoy (LEE-roy) James, my friends pugnacious pug.

12 Things about LeRoy
This is sort of like the 12 Days of Christmas, except with a Pug, and it’s not Christmasy.
1. LeRoy is HIGHLY motivated by food. He’s learned all kind of tricks by being tricked. (But he hates potato related products.)
2. He owns a purple snuggie, and doesn’t seem feminine when he dons it.
3. Other names for LeRoy are: L-Train, Lee Lee, Baby LeLory, Grump, son of a **tch, and a few names that can’t be mentioned here.
4. He has a pumpkin Halloween costume (next year he’s going to be an ice cream cone), and a reindeer outfit for Christmas.
5. He makes everyone feel special. So, you get the sense the he loves you the most.
6. He doesn’t mind eating his own poop. Yes, in most ways it’s regrettable, but yet a highly Green lifestyle (recycling).
7. He loves vegetables as much as meat.
8. He’s muscular and has great cardio.
9. He watches tv, and his favorite movie is Toy Story 3. (He brought his own stuffed toy out to watch it.)
10. In the morning, he doesn’t spring from his kennel. He gets up when he’s good and ready.
11. He gets acne.
12. He snores like a buzz saw.
Have you ever known a pug? What are your feelings about them?