My guest is author Galye Boss. Her stunning Advent book about how various North American animals wait out and survive the dark, cold winter was an instant classic. Now, she releases a fitting second book, this time for Lent. This too, is another gorgeously-illustrated book that features 24 amazing animals of the world that are vanishing from existence. (David G. Klein, Illustrator)
Our conversation covers topics in both her books and a lovely reading from Wild Hope by Gayle.
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Today the show notes will connect you to the poem, the information link to Gerard Manley Hopkins (photo above), and related episodes and information, PLUS all past SHOW NOTES and SHOW NOTES for February 2017. (Shouting in the Storm feature photo by Raul Lieberwirth)
Thanks for listening to the Spark My Muse podcast today. Each Friday is a conversational guest episode. Today’s episode is a Spark My Muse first–not one, but two guests–the women from the podcast Sacred Ordinary Days. Jean and Lacy have quickly grown a strong tribe as they help listeners understand the seasons and rhythms of the liturgical year. They have both launched some fascinating resources too you will want to hear more about.
LENT 2016 February 10 – March 26 (but not Sundays)
MIN 32
Season of disruption where you make space and grieving the sad things about life. It prepares you for other sorrowful times in life. And prepares us to truly celebrate the wonderful times as well. We can hold both together. There are paradoxes. Both/And
MIN 35 Being fully human.
MIN 36 “It’s all grace.”
MIN 37
The underlying season remains and we can return to it whenever we need it.
Thanks for listening to Soul School which comes out each Wednesday. Be sure to listen on Friday for the weekly guest episode too. This week (2/19/16), it’s the amazing Bruce Van Horn!
Today’s episode is about the lesser-known themes of Lent.
LENT means Springtime. In much of the Northern Hemisphere of the world during this season spring has NOT sprung,but it has started underground. This is a metaphor for our interior lives at times too, isn’t it?
When everything seems barren, rebirth can be right there underground.
Millions of people around the world focus on this nature of the human experience. The new life that comes after a time of dormancy and expectancy in the 40 days before Easter is celebrated each year. See how the themes can benefit you as you consider them personally, even if you don’t follow the liturgical calendar.
Want to encounter this season more deeply and transformationally than ever this year?
I’ve been work at work to make that possible.
This lesson comes with a lot of extras! I made a great video lesson, I’ve included some fantastic resource links (including my favorite audio devotional link I’m using this year), and I made a companion worksheet to enhance the lesson that YOU WILL LOVE.