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It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of
Spark My Muse. Guest Episode 138
Today my guest is Lynn Underwood, PhD. (The artwork featured is by Lynn.)
Check out the EXTRAS for this episode (including BONUS Audio) and more info about Lynn and the links to her work, book, and website. Go the Podcast support page HERE.
It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse. This is Soul School Lesson 91 [SSL91]
Scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER.
Look, an exclusive Spark My Muse podcast t-shirt!
Check it out the other colors, and view other store items, too, click here. Proceeds keep the show running!
It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse. This is Soul School Lesson 89 [SSL89]
Scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER.
Look! New Year’s Blue Mint SPARK t-shirt!
Check it out the other colors and flavors, click here.
Proceeds keep the show running!
The featured image is entitled “Black Bear” and is one of 25 gorgeous woodcuts created by David G. Klein for the book by Gayle Boss called, “All Creation Waits: The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings”, that I mention in this episode.
This is a lovely book you can come back to year-after-year.
Chris Shea and I discuss the importance of going back into natural surroundings to find renewal. April 10, 2016 discussion. The next one will be April 24, 2016 at 8pm ET.