Listening to Ourselves SSL 262

Today, you’ll hear an episode recorded ahead of time in January. I knew I’d be releasing it in February or March.

I’m taking a break from the normal pressures of the podcast and life in the States and I’m spending time volunteering in Puerto Rico where I was born. You can get some photo updates on my Instagram @lisacolondelay and special access on as a substack subscriber to information and images others can’t get in on as my way of saying “thank you for your help”

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Eps 185: What’s Bugging You and Giving you Joy|Guest, Cindy Bunch

Today my guest is Cindy Bunch. She is a spiritual director and an associate publisher and director of editorial for Intervarsity Press for the Formatio line of books.

Cindy and I will be speaking about her book which is also the first selection in the Spark My Muse Book Club: Be Kind to Yourself: Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy

The extras today are free to everyone to check all the Book Club details and helpful links HERE:😃. ( | Episode 185)

Download / Read the first chapter

To join the book club sign up HERE.

First Meeting:
• WEDNESDAY, October 7, 2020
7:30 pm EST

• LIVE STREAM Book Club Meeting
(recorded replays available also)

Book Selection:
Be Kind to Yourself: Releasing Frustrations and Embracing Joy (Illustrated) by Cindy Bunch

Author website:

Get the Discussion Guide for “Be Kind to Yourself” (5/5): HERE

• contains over 350 audio episodes, an online store, and many resources. Visit. Roam. And Enjoy!

My book “The Wild Land Within” is about discovering the unknown landscape of the heart and is NOW Available for Pre-order at Find out more!

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Eps. 167: The Good People Effect

My guest is Michael Barticel, the host of the Good People Effect podcast.

Hear my conversation with Michael on his podcast HERE.

Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:

There is MORE for this episode like images of the illuminated manuscripts of the Lindisfarne gospels! Support the program with $1 and unlock a weekly Access Pass now, right HERE.

Consider a contribution of any-sized gift to help keep the program running.

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• Make it possible for Spark My Muse to thrive. Help in these two ways:

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Just This [SSL143]

• Thanks for supporting the work of Spark My Muse and Lisa DeLay by finding and contributing toward the EXTRAS page for this episode. Click HERE.
Get the book here!

• Tickets to Sacred Spaces are available at an EARLY BIRD price that saves you $100 (available through 2019 ONLY). This is a destination retreat event experience is June 5-7, 2020- • More information and tickets can be found here.

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• Make it possible for Spark My Muse to grow…

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On HOW to Change the World [SSL141]

• EXTRAS are FREE for everyone today- just click HERE.

• Tickets to Sacred Spaces are at a very special rate ($289) through October 31st ONLY.

Regular price is $505. Space is limited, get your ticket today.

•This is a destination retreat event experience is June 5-7, 2020 and information and tickets can be found here

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Listen to a recent episode:

• Make it possible for Spark My Muse to grow…

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