Waiting for God to Act; Brian Zahnd [SSL114]

Welcome to another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse. This is Soul School Lesson 114 [SSL114]
Today, I’m reading the article “Waiting For God To Act” by Brian Zahnd, with his permission. Brian Zahnd is the founder and lead pastor of Word of Life Church, a non-denominational Christian congregation in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Brian and his wife, Peri, founded the church in 1981. Brian is also the author of several books, including, Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God; Water to WineA Farewell To Mars; Beauty Will Save the World; and Unconditional?: The Call of Jesus to Radical Forgiveness. Read Brian’s original article here Find all the EXTRAS for this episode HERE.
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In Darkness, All Creation Waits [SSL89]

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse.
This is Soul School Lesson 89

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The featured image is entitled “Black Bear” and is one of 25 gorgeous woodcuts created by David G. Klein for the book by Gayle Boss called, “All Creation Waits: The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings”, that I mention in this episode.

This is a lovely book you can come back to year-after-year.

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Reflection Questions, animal woodcuts, and links to the author from this episode are available IMMEDIATELY to supporters of the show, like you, CLICK HERE for ACCESS or to see when these details will be offered FREE to the public.

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Soul School – Lesson 23: Using Fertile Soil for Your Own Rebirth

Welcome to Soul School.

All of us have gone through “crap” in life, but not all of us think of that experience as fertilizer with the nutrients necessary for the seeds of new life.

Be sure to get in on PART II after you listen to the Soul School LESSON today. Scroll below for the link and become part of the support community for Spark My Muse.


Watch the video lesson of Lesson 23 and get the companion worksheet that will help you in the gardening process for new life and rebirth in your life. (aka Varsity Club)


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Soul School – Lesson 19: When Spring is Underground

Thanks for listening to Soul School which comes out each Wednesday. Be sure to listen on Friday for the weekly guest episode too. This week (2/19/16), it’s the amazing Bruce Van Horn!

Today’s episode is about the lesser-known themes of Lent.

LENT means Springtime.
In much of the Northern Hemisphere of the world during this season spring has NOT sprung,
but it has started underground. This is a metaphor for our interior lives at times too, isn’t it?

When everything seems barren, rebirth can be right there underground.

Millions of people around the world focus on this nature of the human experience. The new life that comes after a time of dormancy and expectancy in the 40 days before Easter is celebrated each year. See how the themes can benefit you as you consider them personally, even if you don’t follow the liturgical calendar. 

Want to encounter this season more deeply and transformationally than ever this year? 

I’ve been work at work to make that possible.

This lesson comes with a lot of extras! I made a great video lesson, I’ve included some fantastic resource links (including my favorite audio devotional link I’m using this year), and I made a companion worksheet to enhance the lesson that YOU WILL LOVE.

To access them, just go here to Varsity Club and be patron and get access to all of it. You’ll get lots of bonus material, not just this week, but each week.

And, your contribution will help defray production costs of creating the show as well. Thank you!


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It’s not a broken heart that kills you…

(by Chris O Brien click for CC source)

You can’t die of a broken heart. It’s despair that kills you.

Having a broken heart, means you are alive. It means that something matters, and you haven’t gone numb (which is what usually happens to people after a while…or escapism, which is sort of the same).

Having a broken heart means that risk was rewarded with pain. But not pain unto death. Pain that gives way to experience you can’t find another way.

I used to think God was trying to kill me of a broken heart. Dashing my hopes and dreams. Allowing my son, or my father, or me to suffer until I couldn’t take it anymore. It felt like the beatings wouldn’t end.

At the end of that bit of brutality (as I perceived it) I realized I could be borne out of it, like a phoenix. And that was the point. To come to a resurrection. On the other side was life, not death. All the scars would be a kind of beauty, not a pitiable shame.

Don’t worry about your broken heart. It has to break apart to get to the fleshy part. The part so tender that only God can hold it…and be the only one who can and will protect it in a way you never could understand before. In a way that you can never do alone. You are brave enough for that. You. are.

Do. not. despair.