Super Secret Info

This is the first Patron exclusive blog post.

It’s a test and I’m not even sure if it works….but if it does, I’ll share bonus goodies with you here moving forward.

For now I will share with you something fun that I have never posted.

Imagine you are in a darkish room and there’s a strobe light and the floor looks like THIS!

The floor itself is normal, but the carpet has lines on it that tell a different story!

What would you think?
Would you feel nervous, sick, frightened?
Would you freeze and stay put, hug the walls for comfort, or slowly proceed by tapping your toe ahead of you to test out the surface as you go?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, you can comment below.

Thank you for supporting this program! (I feel as grateful as the bloke holding his bumbershoot.)

More exciting stuff to come!

[SSL90] All That Is Unsolved In Your Heart

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse.
This is Soul School Lesson 90

Scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER.

 Look! New Year NAVY. 
Check it out the other colors, and view other items, too, click here.
Proceeds keep the show running!

The featured image is a photo by Ian Froome on Unsplash

The quote (by Rainer Maria Rilke) in the episode today is from this amazing book:

Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:

TODAY- Reflection Questions and EXTRAS are FREE and available IMMEDIATELY. CLICK HERE for ACCESS and see what else is on offer to sponsors and the public alike.

Help Lisa with travel expenses.


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Eps 77: Guest, Srini Rao – Being Unmistakable and Recovering From Failure

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Each FRIDAY I invite guests to have a conversation with me!
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”.

Spark My Muse costs hundreds of dollars out-of-pocket each month to create, produce, and host online. Spark My Muse listeners are high-quality, happy to give, and superior to typical audiences–giving at a rate triple to the 2-3% of normal audiences.

Thank you for ANY amount,
 even $5 or $10, you can give, today.


(The power of tweeting an audio clip is in your grasp! Click the Clammr icon below!)

Srini Rao
Trini Rao – CEO of Unmistakable Creative Media

Show Notes

Early influences on Srini
Indian heritage and culture, moving a lot

Meeting new people is exciting

Community and solitude both play a part.

Being resilient and recovering from failure

Why Only is Better than Best
“Unmistakable: Why Only Is Better Than Best”

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]If you are unmistakable, you don’t need a signature.[/ictt-tweet-inline]
(You can tweet this great quote. Just click the blue bird There will be others too. Keep a lookout.)

Being imitative. Finding your unmistakable thing.

Steal Like an Artist

Plagiarism vs. Research

Having patience

Taking outside advice and mistakenly learning to become dependent on it.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Your bliss is different than your calling.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

There is no business to be made from certain passions.

Businesses have to be market-driven, not passion-driven.

On being fired from all his jobs.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]If you’re comfortable there is no reason to change–and you can be miserable and still comfortable.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Working 7 years before he got a book deal and some of it is pure luck.

We don’t want to sell the truth, we want to sell the dream.

The reality of who succeeded.
We sell independence but we breed dependence.

David Burkus. You’re paying for access once you realize the truth and there is some community.

How the Unmistakable Brand and look evolved.

No formula for picking guests.
Hero’s journey

What’s new from Srini?

What is Unmistakable about his new book?

The link to Srini’s blog on Medium

seth’s blog

Next: A creative habits focused-book, practical

Thanks for listening!
Check out more. Here’s a lineup of recent episodes:

Soul School – Lesson 47 Genetically-determined Fears and Ancient Memory

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

Welcome to SOUL SCHOOL.

These brief “lessons” are released each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek).

• Come back FRIDAYS for intriguing guest conversations!

Spark My Muse costs hundreds of dollars out-of-pocket each month to create, produce, and host online.

• Without help from you, it will go bye bye.

Thank you for ANY amount,
 even $5 or $10, you can give today.


(share an audio clip using the Clammr icon below)


It’s intriguing to think that emotions, like fear, could be epigenetically started in one generation and carried and expressed in offspring. That’s what a recent study in lab mice revealed. What could it mean in terms of “Ancient Memory” or certain predisposed fears; and can fears (in RNA receptors) that have been switched on, be switched back off? Today, I discuss this story and share both a reflection and a challenge.

Here’s the article in Scientific America that I refer to in the episode.

Here is the research study paper about the study itself.

Thank you for listening!

I invite you to hear other recent episodes.

Pick an option below:

Soul School – Lesson 36: AUTOMATICALLY Ascribing Malice


(Released every Wednesday!)

Today is a quick lesson about a knee-jerk reaction nearly all of us have and what is REALLY going on.

I’d love to hear what you think!
Reach out and let me know!!

Listen again on Friday to hear mathematics teacher, author, TEDx speaker, and my fascinating friend from London, Kester Brewin.

(If you like this short episode, check out the other related ones I listed below.)

• Hanlon’s razor (description link)


If you enjoyed that episode, you’ll like these ones too.

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