UPDATE: All the volumes are now in 1 digital book!

95 pages of goodness!
This collection reads fast…like tv…and covers the topics:
• “What is the Soul? & What is Soul Care?”
This premise-building volume gets us to track from the same point onward. That fact is you and I need Soul Care, and we need it now. I’ll explain why.
• Identity and Belonging
We deal with core needs. This targets how to find your place in this world and in your calling of creating and message-bearing. Without our bearings we’ll get off-track and discouraged. This important message is one you don’t want to miss.
• The 8 Paths of Learning
• Utilize the paths for your own growth. Progress faster and better.
• Guide others in a well-rounded process of knowledge and development
• Fresh insights and information on the learning paths you already use
• A potent approach to synthesizing and assimilating learning to produce transformation
Written in a way to amuse and designed in a visual format that reads as fast as tv. You won’t get bogged down and it’s all.