Soul School – Lesson 16 Skills Trump Passion

Welcome to Soul School – your Hump Day treat. Your midweek boost! (WEDNESDAYS)

Today comes some wisdom I gleaned from Cal Newport.

On FRIDAY come back for a longer conversational guest episode!

I liked Cal’s take on working towards skills that are rare a valuable.

It flies in the face of a refrain we often hear, “Follow your passion!”

In a recent Soul School I told you that the Secret Sauce I kept hearing from the many people I speak with indicated that people followed their curiosity and created something useful often found success and meaningful work. LISTEN HERE. On that journey they were doing the very thing Cal talks about, “becoming so good they couldn’t be ignored.”



Soul School – Lesson 15: Don’t Fear the Shake Up

Work for creative people, and for all sorts of people, looks different now. Don’t fear the shake up.

Do you hate the question, “What do you do for a living?”. Have you ever asked it of someone and then felt like it was the wrong question to ask as soon as you said it? I have a few suggestions and a really funny story about my own experience too.

Soul School comes out each WEDNESDAY!

In January (2016) I’m talking about the concepts of calling and meaningful work.

For more on how you can join in that worldwide endeavor for yourself, in your own way, visit the #synCREATE page.


Spark My Muse listeners tend to be over achievers. Feel like getting some extra credit points? SOUL SCHOOL has homework each week–just for kicks–and you can share your thoughts about the episode or “report your homework” at the Spark My Muse group page here and see what others are doing and saying.



Remember to Subscribe to the podcast to get the next episode!

FRIDAY episodes are longer and feature guests.

Thank you for listening to Spark My Muse. You’ve spent your time with me and it means a lot.

I recommend the weekly newsletter.
Get it here
. It comes out every Friday afternoon and delivers links to the new episodes of the week and the LIVE events and posts too, so you never miss a thing.

weekly secret missives

Soul School – Lesson 14 (finding meaning: the Special Sauce)

Welcome to Soul School which comes out each WEDNESDAY!

In January (2016) I’ll spend some time on the podcast talking about the concepts of vocation and meaningful work during Soul School and with my guests.

For more on how you can join in that worldwide endeavor, visit the #synCREATE page.


Are you a good student? SOUL SCHOOL has homework. It can be very helpful to report in when you do your “assignments” So, share your thoughts about the episode or what you did for your homework at the Spark My Muse group page here and see what others are doing saying.


Remember to Subscribe to the podcast to get the next episode!

FRIDAY episodes are longer and feature guests.

Thank you for listening to Spark My Muse.

I recommend the newsletter. Get it here. It comes out every Friday afternoon and has links and extras you’ll enjoy.

weekly secret missives

Soul School – Lesson 13 (The 3 Main Types of Meaningful Work)

Welcome to Soul School which comes out each WEDNESDAY!

Since it’s a new year I need some help to know who’s listening.

Will you spare 90 seconds…

and take this quick, anonymous survey?

Spark My Muse

In January (2016) I’ll concentrate some time on the podcast talking about the concepts of meaningful work, vocation, service, and related concepts during Soul School and with my guests.

For more on that visit the #synCREATE page.

What has meaningful work looked like for you?

Has your vocation shifted over time?

You can share your thoughts at the Spark My Muse community group page here and see what others are saying.

Remember to Subscribe to the podcast to get the next episode!

FRIDAY episodes are longer and feature guests.

Thank you for listening to Spark My Muse.

Join up for the newsletter here. It comes out 2-3 times per month and has links and extras you’ll enjoy.

weekly secret missives

Soul School – Lesson 12 (Starting NEW-symbols and the brain)

Soul School is released each WEDNESDAY. Thank you for listening.



Be sure to subscribe to get the FRIDAY release of the next episode.

A new year gives us a chance at a new start at life and this episode is all about how that works.

Resolutions are common and they are commonly broken quickly. U2 (the band) sings that “nothing changes on New Years day” and it seems painfully true. But, there is more hope than we realize.


Here’s the Daily Ritual resource to start your new year right. You can download both for free. Click the images to go to the links. If you’d like to say “thank you” for the work I put into them, you can tip me a few dollars.



Symbols, brain chemistry, perception, placebo, and the way a re-start can work can truly give us a new chance. There’s science behind it too. Today’s episode highlights the work of Ellen Langer.


Dr Ellen LangerEllen Langer


Her Research Institute

wikipedia article entry