Soul School – Lesson 11 (The Luminaria Story)

This week of Soul School is evergreen content, however I wish you a Happy Christmas week if you are celebrating it.

Here are some gallery images of luminaria: paper lanterns, usually white paper bag, filled in the bottom with some sand and a tea candle or a small candle in the bottom too. There might be a cut out decoration, but the glow of the light lights up the darkness in a North American Christmas Night. (you can click on them to get a larger view)

This Soul School homework is to name the lights in the people in your world.



DECEMBER 24th -30th 2015 my discernment book is on a Christmas discount special. Snap up a copy. The first 2-3 days it should be 99¢ or so and increasing daily back up to the normal price each day.


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Soul School – Lesson 10 (The Secret Power of…)

Soul School Episodes are released on Wednesdays.

Longer interview and conversation style episodes are released on Fridays.

Today’s homework involves a little planning on your part. If you are up for it, I hope you’ll post photos of what you PLAN to do and then LATER what you did at the Facebook Spark My Muse group page HERE. Okay?

Enjoy the whole thing!



Get on the Update emailing list that goes out 2-3 times per month with announcements, links, and extras.

(SOMETHING SPECIAL IS COMING THURSDAY 12/17/2015 for subscribers only)

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Soul School – Lesson 9 (Discernment Book)

Soul School Lesson 9 includes selected excerpts of my new book on Discernment.

From December 9th-December 15th 2015, the Kindle book will be on special, starting at just 99¢ and increasing daily back to the original price. Snap up a few copies now and hand them out for the holidays or whenever you notice someone at a crossroads in their life.

Everyone gets forked in life…That point where your path comes to a split and you have to choose carefully which way to go.

Watch the new book trailer and get a taste of what it’s about!

Navigating the territory of crossroad or difficult decisions is also called, in many faith traditions, discernment.

My new book works like a practical pocket guide based on time-tested spiritual exercises that have helped people for over 400 years (The Spiritual Exercises by Ignatius of Loyola, originally written to help men make a wise decision about vocational priesthood).

FORKED: A Discernment Pocket Guide is a guidebook and an integrated process approach that includes all aspects of you: body, mind, and spirit in a prayerful way.

When we find a fork in our road we tend to dis-integrate from our whole and leave out key parts of us when we decide things. Keys things like the intuition, the imagination, the nature talents we have, or the godly passions of the heart that have been germination and waiting to sprout in fertile ground.

 Seven key exercises in the book guide you through introspective questions that help you understand yourself and your situation better in a way you’ve never encountered.

There is no one way to accomplish the process. That means, you can progress through all of the the exercises, or pick the ones that make the best fit for you and your situation. Just grab a notebook and pen and begin.

Don’t be afraid to get started. Give it a try.

NOW AVAILABLE click here!


FORKED A Discernment Pocket Guide Amazon page allow you to take a peek inside too.

Soul School – Lesson 8

This Soul School is about the habits in your habitat. We need them to keep us from unnecessary stress and extra thinking. The habits we need to break are the ones that stop us from being numb and to help us start to see the people nearest to us again.

The challenge (“home work”) in this soul school is to thwart an unhelpful habituation and to reengage someone you’ve stopped noticing, hearing, or seeing in your world like a neighbor, family member, co-worker, or someone in your ordinary day. But there’s more….

Listen to find out.

SOUL SCHOOL comes out every other WEDNESDAY.

If you like the show, please give it a good review on iTunes!

Soul School – Lesson 7

If you’re visiting the website today, thank you for stopping by!

I have two announcements.

Tomorrow, if you come back here at 8 pm, there will be a live webinar style discussion on maintaining gratitude all year long. My colleague Chris Shea and I invite you to join us for that.

Second, my other colleague James Prescott and I invite you to play with us starting December 19th at our online Christmas party! We are inviting creators, like you, from all over the world to create with us all year long in a project called synCREATE. Check out the tab above for more information on that.


Now on to Soul School!