FAST Fasting Facts. 3rd/Final Post

There’s only so much you can write about fasting. The topic is starved from the start, but with this concluding post, I’ll tie together the rest of my summary on FASTING.

I should point out that I hate being hungry. Being hungry sometimes makes me get, not just grouchy, but angry. Part of why I encountered this topic publicly was to encourage myself to take on this valuable spiritual practice with more devotion. But because I enjoy the process? ….WHOA. OH NO; it’s because I see unquestionable spiritual benefits from undergoing the practice which cannot so thoroughly occur by another method.

Dangers of Fasting

It may become False Religion (fast verse link: Col. 2:23)

It may produce the idea that God is obligated to do what we’d like.

May feed our control issues (Do you have starving-yourself powers or issues? Then, be careful. Gandhi (an heroic and virtuous man) didn’t do fasts, he had hunger strikes. Notice the difference.)

May intensify health ailments (Be extra cautious when fasting if you have health issues.)

What are some you can think of?

Benefits of Fasting

Prayer and worship producing

Calls our cravings into question

Useful for thwarting (great or small) neurotic thoughts or activities, vices, obsessions, and addictions.

• We learn that our cravings need not control us

• It nurtures a dependence on God.

Kinds of FASTS

1. From 1 meal

2. From Sundown to Sunrise, or Sunrise to sundown

3. From certain foods (sweets, coffee, meat, etc.)

4. From enjoyed or frequent activities (tv, internet, sports, shopping, snacking, etc.)

What fasts have you tried, or would recommend?

You may like this fasting resource: the book and guide for individual, and group fasts, called Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough by Elmer L. Towns.

Please leave any of your guide books or fasting recommendations in the comment section, if you have them.

useful guide for fasting

What will you do?

Will you commit to fast at least once per month?

Which type of fast (or fasts) makes sense for you?

What would you like to pray about during your fast?

Thanks for your participation!

Fasting Class, January 23rd

Bellegrove Church, Anneville, Pa

My first session with the brothers and sisters at Bellegrove church was a lovely time.
For those in my last class, the free online copy of
Brother Lawrence’s Practicing the Presence of God is here. I hope you enjoy it. You will also find more resources for Lectio Divina here. Just type those two words in the search field, and BOOM–jackpot.

Fasting is the topic for next week.

Together, we’ll be covering the questions:
What is fasting?
What does it involve?

Who fasts; or who should fast?
What’s the point of fasting?
What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks?
How and when has it been used in the Bible, and throughout Christian history?
What kinds of fasting are there?
Should I fast, and for how long?
Guidelines, explanations, and interaction this coming Sunday, January 23rd, and 10 a.m. Bellegrove United Methodist Church, Anneville, Pa. (Worship service, with Pastor Dave Alderson, begins at 8:45a.m.) We hope to see you. The previous post with more details, here

For those who can’t make it, I’ll post some notes on the lesson, next week. Or, if you’d like to set up some sessions with your group, of 5 or more, contact me.

Have you ever fasted?
Please, share your last experience with fasting, here.
Thank you for reading.

4 Classes at Bellegrove United Methodist Church, Anneville

Beautiful Bellegrove church, near Anneville, Pa

Pastor Dave Alderson and I invite you to learn and experience 4 classes on Spiritual Formation topics, at the Bellegrove church a bit north of Anneville, PA.

Going southbound down Rte 943, this beautiful stone church building is located on the left, just north of the small village of Bellegrove. It is 5 miles from I-78 exit South from the Annville/Ft. Indiantown Gap exit for [South] Route 934 heading toward Lebanon Valley College, Anneville (Anneville @ Rtes 422 & 943).
(Get custom directions here.)

I will prepare 4 interactive sessions for the 10 a.m. time slot, for this January 16, 23, 30 and Feb 6, 2011. If you plan to come, please leave a comment below, or call the church (717) 867-7460, so I can prepare materials for your use.

Topics will include prayer, spiritual growth, devotional practices, fasting, and related subjects. Brief and engaging explanations will precede class discussion and involvement. This time is sure to bring added vitality to your prayer and worship experiences with God, and promote spiritual growth and intimacy with our Savior, both collectively and individually.

We really look forward to seeing you!

Please-DON’T Forget! Here is the book I’m giving away (to one “lucky” reader this January) to make Bible reading WAY more interesting and effective.

Can’t make it? Contact me and we’ll come up with something. :)