This promo is over but all the volumes are now in 1 digital book!
Until May 3 I’m literally putting my money down on my latest project. This giveaway gets the word out about the free resource Soul Care for Creators and Communicators Volume 1, and announces the rest of the upcoming Series.
Why did I write it?
If you create or communicate, you lose a little piece of yourself each time you put yourself out there. Your tank runs dry. These resources fill it back up with guidance and encouragement. We’re in this together!
Here’s a 90 second introduction video.
So, spread the good news about the new resources, will you? Have fun with this giveaway. You get a free volume, and you might even get a prize for joining in.
Yes. Prizes are nice. $50. Starbucks gift cards. Free ebooks (all 5 volumes)
Everyone wins the first volume, just by being a part of it. Thank you for playing.
Let’s Rock it!
Continue reading Ebook Launch Giveaway [with cash prize]