How Love is like Lightening

All the most powerful and wondrous things of living and being human cause language to falter and stumble short. The ways of the heart are not a language at all, but a territory. A place, wild and untamed where we find our home in each other and reside, sometimes like beasts and sometimes like flowers.


Enumerations that try to pull back the veil on love are feeble attempts to list mysteries.  But, we should do it for each other, nonetheless, to remember what lasts and remember how the happiness of love is had in moments and short fits.

Outside of those moments, we have remembrances to help us map our way back to what is real. What is us.

Dawn Comes: Resurrection

Mid-Eastern Sunrise

We all hope for new beginnings. Each day, at dawn, we get a picture of that. Each Spring we are reminded that rebirth is not just a great idea, but a reality more real than we can ever imagine.

Brother Lawrence, the lowly monk who is celebrating in the short book “Practicing the Presence of God: Letters of Brother Lawrence”, came to a sudden spiritual awakening of God’s reality, one Spring. He saw new life in the blooms of a tree, and the irrepressible force of Spring, defying so many doubts of recreation and new life.

God shows us himself in the realities and patterns of nature. They are his message to us, and his pictures to understand the nature of the unseen, Living God.

Today, it’s Easter morning. The grass is greener than it’s been all year. Dogwood trees are white with new blossoms. Forsythia brushes flame in gold blooms. Hyacinth have spread their color. Daffodils have popped up their pretty heads.

And God says, “This is good.”

Always wait for the dawn, my friends.

28.5 scenic miles

I had the chance to bike ride sl-ow-ly with my husband yesterday in the valleys near Hawk Mountain. One stop included a delicious fresh spring, next to Stoudt’s Mill (1750) Here are some photos from our trip.

Your responses are welcome.