A Special Longing [SSL189]

Words from poet, philosopher, and anam cara, John O’ Donohue on are tap today! Get show notes and visit the Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/50812257 🚩 As promised, here is the link to hear the amazing conversation I had with Jonathan Puddle and his podcast The Puddcast.
(Amazon affiliate link) Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER: MAY 5 and JUNE 2 Events: Sign up to attend or watch the replay —
MAY 5 – 7:30pm ET A preview of the Wild Land Within book through a study of
Desert Father Evagrius Ponticus (345-400 CE)
JUNE 2 – 7:30pm ET
The book club discussion event of Wild Land Within:
Let’s connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch.

BIG NEWS! I’m part of  a tech. startup company called Kahana whose service, platform, and capabilities will greatly help me write my next book. At Kahana we focus on giving creative people and those with large projects the best possible environment for creation.

Take a look; or jump in early and get free-forever access to a workspace option that is simple, frictionless, and distraction-free. Use the reference code FOUNDER. These are limited spots available for a limited time. Secure a Founder Account at Kahana or get more info here at Kahana.blog/founder.
Special Offer, “Wild Land WithinGIFT PACK” ends on 5/31/21 at 12:00 PM. Get it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/wild-land-within-50103212 Here are events related to the Wild Land Within book. I hope you can come or watch the replays! BOOK EVENTS If you’ve read the book, please leave a thoughtful review on Amazon.com or goodreads.com! 🚩 You can help an independent bookshop by shopping here: 🥰 tiny.cc/wildINDIE
DO YOU MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS? • Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing. Some people tell me they get excited to give when they can. Sound like you? Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can today to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️ • VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay • PayPal.me/lisacolondelay

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My Little Pumpkin [SSL139]

• See my special pumpkin and my Autumn door decoration as you chip in $1 that goes to monthly media hosting for this program.  Then, each week you will get extras to the episodes and open-access to extras from all previous episodes, too. Click now right HERE.

• Tickets to Sacred Spaces are at a very special rate ($289) through October 31st ONLY. Regular price is $505. Space is limited, get your ticket today.

This is a destination retreat event and pilgrimage experience is June 5-7, 2020 and information and tickets can be found here

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Eps 160 | Love Over Fear; Guest, Dan White Jr.

My guest is Dan White Jr, teacher, writer, and much more.

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• Find more details for this episode and extras as you help Spark My Muse – Get an Access Pass HERE.

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Open Unto Me [SSL131]

Today on Spark My Muse I am featuring a prayer by Dr Howard Thurman. Special thanks to Carol Howard Merritt. Our conversation from April 2017 can be heard here. Contribute a small amount and… • Get extras for this episode, including the text of the prayer, HERE.
The two books mentioned in this episode are listed below. Check them out!

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Laughter and Tears; Kahlil Gibran [SSL121]

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To get extras and more info on Kahlil Gibran, click here. (no charge)

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• I’m very grateful for your additional help in these two ways:

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2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes HERE.

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