The Lazarus Effect [SSL 310]

Jesus uses a shocking and hilarious hyperbole “a camel going through the opening of a needle” to speak of how absurd it is to think that the rich can be a part of what God is up to. His students are dumbfounded. The camel is the biggest animal they know about, but the opening of a needle? How tiny.

We might say, it’s easier to play golf by using a boulder for a golfball or it’s easier to climb a greased pole the size of the Empire State building with no arms and legs.

This means It is patently absurd to think that the rich will catch on to what God is doing and join in.

Yet, we also know that some wealthy people were part of the Kingdom of God in the Bible and some were as early Christians. Something is different about those people that is rare and inspired and few of us will catch on for ourselves. Enjoy the episode and pass it along.

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My Little Pumpkin [SSL139]

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• Tickets to Sacred Spaces are at a very special rate ($289) through October 31st ONLY. Regular price is $505. Space is limited, get your ticket today.

This is a destination retreat event and pilgrimage experience is June 5-7, 2020 and information and tickets can be found here

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Welcoming Neutrality into our Unfolding Lives? [SSL78]

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery – FREE!

This is Soul School Lesson 78

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(Feature photo is a Creative Common image from Flickr called “Tobacco Farmer” taken by The Tenth Dragon.)

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Soul School – Lesson 42: The Good Bad Guy (Old Parable, New Twist)

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

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(I bring you enrapturing audio delights–twice, each week–and you give me some money.)


Soul School is delivered to you weekly on Hump Day – Wednesday, mid-work week, to nourish your inner world. Enjoy. 

Today is something intriguing from my friend Dr. Doug Jackson.



(You can share an audio clip using the Clammr App below. Just click the red and white logo below!)

Read his original post here.

Hear the two other previous episodes with Doug Jackson.

Episode 13

Episode 22

Hear other recent episodes:

Pick an option to get the next episode on FRIDAY. A thrilling madcap recap with the dynamic duo from the Deconstructionist podcast Adam and John.deconstruct

Eps 58: Feed Your Good Wolf: Special Guest, Eric Zimmer


Today, I have a special guest. Eric Zimmer has one of the top podcasts as rated by iTunes. It’s called “The One You Feed” and I have personally gained a lot from listening to it.

(This episode was marked “explicit” because the word other word “rump exit” is used a few times. You can probably handle that, but I can only mark the thing “clean” or “explicit” –ugh!)


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MIN 2:00 Doing podcasting for the love of it.

MIN 4:00 Eric tells the famous wolf parable that he asks each guest on his show (120 guests so far) and answers what it means for himself.

MIN 12:00 Eric’s spiritual and religious influences.

MIN 14:00 His alcoholism and addition and 12 step program.

MIN 15:00 Spirituality is the recognition that the things on the inside matter too as well as the outside.

MIN 16:30 Bill Wilson of AA interacted with Carl Jung who said alcohol is also known as “spirits” and imbibing is a search for transcendence. A “turning on” of life somehow.

MIN 20:30 Eric answers: What replaces the drugs and alcohol?

“Ask why the pain?”

MIN 22:30 On getting better and getting healthier.

MIN 26:30 Gretchen Rubin – Happier 

Moderators or Abstainers

MIN 28:00 On changing behavior

MIN 34:00 Having partial mentors

MIN 36:30 On his Meditation and noticing practices

MIN 42:00 Being where you are

MIN 42:30 The waterfall and the rock metaphor – distance from the chattering thinker.

MIN 44:00 Sound meditation and training to focus

MIN 48:47 Dan Harris

MIN 50:00 Question thoughts and have a recognition of the distortions. We are not objective. We symbolize. Interrupt and generalize and seeing things as all or nothing.

MIN 52:00 Steven Hayes – Cognitive Fusion

MIN 54:00 On assuming others people’s motivations.
The fundamental attribution error: Errors are attributed as character-based problems for OTHERS but only as circumstantial errors for ourselves.

MIN 58:00 Learn people’s stories.

MIN 59:00 Assuming that we don’t know a person’s backstory or reason they have done what they have.

MIN 60:00

We are telling ourselves stories over and over about what things mean. Our brains are meaning making machines.


Visit Eric (his co-host Chris) and The One You Feed website

Follow Eric and the podcast on Twitter