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Welcome to SOUL SCHOOL!
These installments come out each Wednesday (Hump Day – Midweek). Guest interviews come out each FRIDAY.
This week, I’m inspired to share a taste about the abundance of love and connection and some of my reflections, from one of my favorite broadcasters and authors, Krista Tippet, from her new book: Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Art and Mystery of Living.
* UPDATE: Krista heard this episode and sent me a note.
Welcome to SOUL SCHOOL – a bit of nourishment for your inner world.
A new Soul School is released each Wednesday.
This is a really personal Soul School and maybe the hardest one I’ve done yet.
Here’s why I did it…
It’s easier sometimes to act like very dark thoughts happen to other people. Growing up, Jesus and the hope of heaven was suppose to cure me of any hopelessness, fear, despair, and existential angst. It was seldom that simple. My life often felt sad, tumultuous, and complicated. There seem to be people that experience Jesus (or the idea of Jesus) like a “happy pill”…sometimes this was true for me. But, often, it wasn’t. I felt like the Bible character Job, a lot.
Some might accuse me of having too little faith. But, if you have all the answers, you don’t need faith at all. Certainty is faith-killing. I rely on faith, because I’m on a journey into the unknown. A journey of discovery. And, I need to be brave, especially now. Maybe you do too.
Unforeseen suffering or brain chemistry (or both) slings some of us onto another path and the easy answers and promises fall short sometimes. So, if that’s been your situation, I want you to know that you’re not alone. Don’t feel ashamed. Let’s do this together.
[ictt-tweet-inline]Feeling alone is what gets us into the worst sort of trouble. It can bring us to both a figurative and literal dead end.[/ictt-tweet-inline]
(To tweet that quote, click the blue bird.)
Today, on Soul School, I expose the shame and silence about dark moods and the rather common thoughts of suicide and despair some of us face. I want you to hear my story so that you can share your story and together we will all be better for it.
Please, seek the help you need, despite what those around you know or don’t know about your feelings and situation; and despite what they think you should do about it.
The U.S. national hotline to speak to someone, right now, is 1-800-273-TALK. (1-800-273-8255) or go toSUICIDE.ORG
Speak to someone: someone you know is wise, if you have a loving family member seek that one out, a trusted friend, a supportive spiritual guide from your religious tradition, or someone trained to help. There are so many who are willing and able to help you.
•Just being open about it takes the teeth out of it and gets you out of the shadows and to where you can be seen, heard, and loved.
Your cries for help will not go unnoticed if you reach out until you find connection. Your story isn’t over yet.
• If you have pervasive (rather than passing) thoughts of suicide or a detailed plan to end your life, I ask you to seek professional medical attention immediately.
• Please stay. Tell me your story-let’s both stay.
Because today’s information could save lives, please pass it along as you are able.
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I’m so happy to have on one of my very favorite podcasters, Mike McHargue. Mike is a joy to speak to and brings grace and insights to his show and I know you’ll enjoy our conversation.
The show notes today are stuffed full of links to everything we mention in the episode. Check it out below! Support what I’m doing, if you can, by listening to other episodes, sharing this show, or chipping in as a supporter with a dollar or more. (scroll to the bottom for all of that too.)
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