Eps 101: How Racism Came to America, Guest Dr Kendi

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 Today my guest is award-winning author and historian Dr Ibram Kendi. He is the 2016 winner of the National Book Award for non fiction and the youngest winner ever in that category. At the time of this interview, he was teaching at the University of Florida, and weeks later became Professor of History and International Relations and the Founding Director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University

Dr. Kendi’s book:

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Soul School – Lesson 40: Prejudice, Peace, and Justice

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Welcome to Soul School!

Soul School comes out each Wednesday
(Which is Hump Day – midweek in the work week).

This episode is the the hardest one I’ve done yet.

• I recorded it with no notes and off-the-cuff with my heart busted wide open–just after Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were senselessly killed but just before the 5 Dallas police officers were assassinated by a snipper during a peaceful protest march. Even though it’s not a typical Soul School in some ways, I hope it’s meaningful to you some how. If so, let me know.

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Photo of me and my father, Joseph Colón:


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Pick a subscription option so you can hear my next guest in two days –spiritual director, Tara Owens.

Feature photo is a creative commons license photo by “Ella” found on Flickr.com
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