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Sunday Dawn Walk

morning 10/4/09

Today I woke up at 6:22 a.m., and even though I didn’t want to I felt I must take a walk. It was still dark outside. I dressed into the first things I could find, and couldn’t locate my glasses, so I put on my husband’s prescription sunglasses. I looked like a bug creature.

I felt like I should go back to a nearby hillside were I walked earlier this week. I had gone there to see the sunrise then also. I had gone a bit too early, and by the time came for dawn, dense cloud cover blocked a good view. Still, it had been a nice experience. 

This time as I crouched on the dewy hillside overlooking the tree-covered town of Cressona, dotted with lights, I looked up at the stagnant bluish cloud cover again. But interestingly, if I waited about 15 seconds I could sense cloud movement eastward. It made me realize that even when I’m waiting, and it seems nothing is happening, it is. Sometimes I just have to be more perceptive, and patient to notice it. The morning turned beautiful with the new light, and the dark prescription sunglasses intensified the hues, especially the reds, making the scene even more brilliant.

It was an introspective start to me day. Worshipful, pondering, astonishing, and encouraging. Surprises are at every turn.

I changed the header photo on the home page to one from this a.m. Hope you like it.


I was visiting the NPR website, and I came across an article about the enchanting artwork of Brigitte Lacombe. She is described as shy, and this is said to help bring out what most photographers cannot in their portraits. I have to admit, I was stunned. Yes, she often photographs celebrities, so often I recognized the faces. It wasn’t who she captured by camera, but it was the way she captured them that was so arresting.


To be human, and to be caught in that beauty–apart from the cult of whatever celebrity one may or may not have found, is its own glory. It’s not a fading beauty. There is something eternal going on. It points off the map. There is something precious you feel blessed to witness as look gaze at art like this. Lacombe doesn’t snap photos, she’s an artist.

I’m also a huge fan of black and white photography. That makes up the bulk of her work. That medium is pure, and relies on composition and design primarily. When someone does it well, it shows. Lacombe is a creator, and she hits the mark.

You’ll find her inspiring portfolio at her website here.