What About Good Returns? [SSL 281]

In the end, pilgrimage is about homecoming

Today I wanted to reflect on good returns and the work of Fiona Koefoed Jaspersen (Ordinary Pilgrim)

“Many believe a pilgrimage is about going away but it isn’t; it is about coming home.” – L.M. Browning

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The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

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Esp. 166: When Plans Go Amiss; Guest, Sheridan Voysey

My guest is Sheridan Voysey, the author of The Making of Us: Who Can We Become When Life Doesn’t Go As Planned

Here’s his previous book:

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There is MORE for this episode like images of the illuminated manuscripts of the Lindisfarne gospels! Support the program with $1 and unlock a weekly Access Pass now, right HERE.

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Place and Pilgrimage [SSL138]

Today on Spark My Muse, I feature a return guest Lisa Deam, PhD and we talk about pilgrimage of the heart, external pilgrimage to sacred sites, and our joint effort called Sacred Spaces in June 2020.

Tickets to Sacred Spaces (destination retreat event and pilgrimage experience – June 5-7, 2020) can be found here.

• FREE TO THE PUBLIC – find extras for this episode and access to many other posts and resources, HERE.

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Eps 145: Born to Wander; Guest, Michelle Van Loon

Today my guest is Michelle Van Loon the author of “Born to Wander: Recovering the Value of Our Pilgrim Identity “

To get some EXTRAS for this episode and more info about Michelle, go the Spark My Muse Podcast special Patreon page HERE. (small fee to access)

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Eps 111: The Adventurous World of Medieval Maps; Guest Lisa Deam, PhD

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warm regards,


Lisa Deam, PhD

Author of A World Transformed: Exploring the Spirituality of Medieval Maps. Host of TheContemplativeWriter.com. Lisa has a PhD in art history from the University of Chicago and she is a self-admitted “Medieval spirituality nerd”.

Get the Show Notes with website links, and MAP images, details, and MORE, click HERE!


Normally show notes come as a reward for helping the program financially. Not today.
(but, of course, donations are always happily accepted.)



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