Soul School – Lesson 40: Prejudice, Peace, and Justice

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Welcome to Soul School!

Soul School comes out each Wednesday
(Which is Hump Day – midweek in the work week).

This episode is the the hardest one I’ve done yet.

• I recorded it with no notes and off-the-cuff with my heart busted wide open–just after Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were senselessly killed but just before the 5 Dallas police officers were assassinated by a snipper during a peaceful protest march. Even though it’s not a typical Soul School in some ways, I hope it’s meaningful to you some how. If so, let me know.

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Photo of me and my father, Joseph Colón:


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Please enjoy some of the other recent episodes!

Pick a subscription option so you can hear my next guest in two days –spiritual director, Tara Owens.

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(here is the direct link)

EPS 54: Online “Truth Bombs”, Karma & Deeper Grace – Guest Ray Hollenbach

Today, I’m featuring a returning guest, my friend, Ray Hollenbach: teacher, blogger, writer, former pastor, and now a facilitator of the Deeper Seminars. Ray trains leaders and any one interested in deepening their spiritual maturity and walk of faith in the Fruit of the Spirit in small group settings so lasting transformation is likely.

Included in the show notes are FREE downloads of Ray’s exercises for you (scroll to the bottom to get those). We hope you enjoy them. Be sure to get his powerful book Deeper Grace.


If you appreciate what you hear today, if you enjoy it or benefit from it at all, please remember that just a few dollars from you helps a lot.

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Click image to get to Ray's website.
Click image to get to Ray’s website.



Grace is a rich word we use a lot and simply go shallow with too much. How do Christians most often get the concept wrong?


Karma is the voice of reason and Grace is the voice of Love.

We want karma for others and grace for ourselves.

Justice and Grace


The oppressor is also oppressed.

Victim and victimizer are both held captive.

MIN 10

Roman 8:1

Offering others assurance of not having condemnation.

MIN 11

on GRACE for Difficult people

MIN 14

The person with the problem is the person who thinks there is a problem.

MIN 16:30

Stewardship (of grace) to not expose others and be brutal online or otherwise.

Love covers a multitude of sins.

MIN 21

The medium of being protected by a screen and not going to someone alone and face-to-face to win over a brother or sister.

MIN 22

Truth Bombs

What do we do with our outrage?


“The anger of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God”

ASK: How big is your sphere really?

Renevere podcast “not having to have the last word” Dallas Willard

MIN 28

The Deeper Seminars (link)

Relationally combining grace and truth

MIN 32 What “Grace teaches” means

Titus 2:11-12

3 movements of grace

  • salvation – forgiveness
  • how to say no to ungodliness
  • how to live upright sensible lives in this present age

Fruit of the Spirit (link to Ray’s first guest podcast) and the biggest misunderstanding about it.

Not attained but instead or the byproduct (result) that show we are living a life with God (Divine Love).

John chapter 15

FREE=to=Download [PDF] Exercises from Ray.

Deeper Grace – Exercise One
Deeper Grace – Exercise Two
Deeper Grace – Exercise Three

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