Vespers: The Work of God [SSL 279]

My time with the Benedictine Order in Ponce, PR

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See photos of Abba Michael, Sister Sophia, the Motherhouse, Ponce,and more at the EXTRAS page for the episode. (UPDATE! I’m having tech issues uploading these photos. I will get them up as soon as I can. Please check back if you don’t see them.)
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September 15-October 15, 2023. ❤️❤️❤️

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

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Making Maps for Your Life [SSL80]

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EPS 51: The women of Sacred Ordinary Days

Thanks for listening to the Spark My Muse podcast today. Each Friday is a conversational guest episode. Today’s episode is a Spark My Muse first–not one, but two guests–the women from the podcast Sacred Ordinary Days. Jean and Lacy have quickly grown a strong tribe as they help listeners understand the seasons and rhythms of the liturgical year. They have both launched some fascinating resources too you will want to hear more about.

Jenn square
Click for Jenn’s site and resources

Click for Lacy’s site and resources.

Click to hear the Sacred Ordinary Days podcast.




Lacy (from Washington State) and Jenn  (from Texas) intro

and how did you find each other and start a podcast?

MIN 6 What is the liturgical calendar exactly why do you find it meaningful?

• Playfulness, curiosity, exploration, tools for meaningful living.



Ritual can bring play instead of rigidity which is not what we think of with religion.

MIN 9 crafting a Rule of Life

“A rule of life offers creative boundaries in which God’s loving presence can be recognized and celebrated…” -Henry Nouwen

MIN 10:30

Ritual during Lent – Suggestions

Major theme:

Ash Wednesday the first day of LENT- remember who you are. Returning to dust and remembering your own mortality and your interior journey.

Not just about fasting.

MIN 12:00

Lent means “Spring” or springtime. Awake the true self and cast off the false self.

Fasting, prayer, alms giving bring us towards life. Death of the false self.

Preparation for Easter and it starts in the dark like a seed starts underground.

MIN 14:30 Lent is 40 days. Sundays aren’t counted because they are feast days.

40 days is a time of testing that leads us towards life.

Holy Saturday – the tomb day a day of despair.

MIN 16:30 The seasons covered in the Sacred Ordinary Days podcast

The church year, the Christian year, the liturgical year and learning alongside others.

MIN 18:30

Journeying in real time with everyone from all walks of life and in all age groups.

MIN 20

Lori Neff – Midday Connection – Lacy’s perpetual Calendar

Jenn’s Day Planner and KickStarter project

MIN 22


Daily Office

Liturgy means “the work of the people”

Reordering the days, minutes, and hours, and something to make it simple.

MIN 26

Lacy’s perpetual calendar and thematic seasonal prompts.

MIN 29

How the dates shift each year based on the vernal equinox and full moons.

The book of common prayer

LENT 2016 February 10 – March 26 (but not Sundays)

MIN 32

Season of disruption where you make space and grieving the sad things about life. It prepares you for other sorrowful times in life. And prepares us to truly celebrate the wonderful times as well. We can hold both together. There are paradoxes. Both/And

MIN 35 Being fully human.

MIN 36 “It’s all grace.”

MIN 37

The underlying season remains and we can return to it whenever we need it.

MIN 38

Where you can find them.