Soul School – Lesson 45: The Threshold into Belonging (Wisdom from John O Donohue)

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Welcome to SOUL SCHOOL. These “lessons” are released each Wednesday (on “Hump Day” aka Midweek).
• Come back FRIDAYS for intriguing guest conversations!

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Today, comes some beauty and wisdom from the late author and poet John O Donohue on the topics of connection, separation, embodiment, grief, and the threshold our soul crosses into belonging and a few of my own reflections. His words are deeply poignant, so, please visit his website, and follow the links listed below for even more interaction with his work. His accent is a delightful treat as well.

• Website of John O Donohue


Adam Cara – by John O Donohue

(embedded audio)
On Being (host Krista Tippet)
•Episode with guest interview John O Donohue:

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Soul School – Lesson 44: Finding Abundant Love (Wisdom from Krista Tippet)

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Welcome to SOUL SCHOOL!


These installments come out each Wednesday (Hump Day – Midweek). Guest interviews come out each FRIDAY.

This week, I’m inspired to share a taste about the abundance of love and connection and some of my reflections, from one of my favorite broadcasters and authors, Krista Tippet, from her new book: Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Art and Mystery of Living.

* UPDATE: Krista heard this episode and sent me a note.


Listen now!

(share a clip by using the Clammr app below.)


Listen to Krista Tippet’s award-winning and top rated program ON BEING here.

Get a copy of Becoming Wise – by Krista Tippet

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Soul School – Lesson 43: Locating Hell & Heaven – CS Lewis

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

It’s a beautiful thing we have going. I bring you something to enjoy and you give me some money. Thanks for your generousity, today.



Today is SOUL SCHOOL. It comes to you EACH WEDNESDAY.
(aka Midweek or “hump day”)

What do we mean, if anything, by the words heaven and hell outside of post-mortem propositions?

Could the concepts mean something for us in this world, before we die? Something about our state of mind or how we live?

I found an intriguing podcast episode about CS Lewis’ short book The Great Divorce on the Kindling Podcast and I wanted to share a piece of it with you as well as some of my own thoughts. Please listen to the whole Kindlings episode linked below when you get the chance. I hope you like this installment of Soul School. Pass it on to someone who might like it too.

(You can share a snippet of audio by using the Clammr app below. Simply click the red and white logo.)

Hear the entire podcast I’m referring to here:

• The Kindling Muse Podcast with Earl Palmer The Great Divorce: An Imaginary Story by C.S. Lewis

Get Lewis’ book for yourself!
It’s a great read!

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Soul School – Lesson 41: Self-Impersonation

Welcome to another Soul School midweek lesson!
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We all live lives of self-impersonation–trying to be what we think is best or acting in ways we think others want us to be in the world.

Here’s what can be done instead. Wisdom from Parker J. Palmer and other luminaries on today’s Soul School lesson.



To share a snippet of audio, use the Clammr app below. Click the red and white logo.


To hear the episode I reference, (The One You Feed podcast with guest Parker J. Palmer) click HERE.


parkerjpalmer• Parker Palmer’s website

A Hidden Wholeness – Parker J Palmer

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Life Together – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Soul School – Lesson 39: New Insights on Loneliness

Welcome to Soul School!

Soul School comes out each Wednesday (Hump Day – Midweek in the work week).

Today, I am featuring new insights on the topic of loneliness based on a recent article you can read here at Nautilus Magazine.

When we feel alone, we sense that there is something wrong. When we feel lonely we may think there is a problem with us and we might even feel ashamed. Research about who feels lonely, what happens from prolonged loneliness, and the actually FUNCTION of loneliness will probably surprise you.

Enjoy this episode.

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• So I can continue to create podcasts, you can give a one-time gift click HERE.

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Please enjoy some of the other recent episodes!

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