The Delicious Malicious SSL 271

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How Dreams Wither SSL270

Welcome back!

Besides listening to the new episodes, take a listen to my conversation on Let It Matter podcast:

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The Spacious Path :
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WATCH my sermon at Sanctuary Church

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Howard Thurman on Prayer and Suffering SSL269

Today we return to the work of Dr Barbara L. Peacock and this time her essay and insights on Howard Thurman with relationship to prayer and suffering.

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Soul Care in African American practice
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The Inner Instructor; Thomas R. Kelly SSL268

Today, is a selected excerpt from a devotional classic from Quaker Thomas R. Kelly from the section entitled the Inner Light. This is a excellent book to add to your library.

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(on substack) here:

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A Testimony of Devotion 
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Coretta Scott King, Prayer and Civil Rights SSL 267

Today I’m featuring the work of Dr Barbara L. Peacock and her essay and insights on Coretta Scott King with relationship to prayer and the struggle for civil rights.

Find the companion page
(on substack) here:

Soul Care in African American practice
(Amazon affiliate link – thank you for your support)

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