UPDATE: All the volumes are now in 1 digital book!
We need each other!
95 pages of goodness!
This collection reads fast…like tv…and covers the topics:
• “What is the Soul? & What is Soul Care?”
This premise-building volume gets us to track from the same point onward. That fact is you and I need Soul Care, and we need it now. I’ll explain why.
• Identity and Belonging
We deal with core needs. This targets how to find your place in this world and in your calling of creating and message-bearing. Without our bearings we’ll get off-track and discouraged. This important message is one you don’t want to miss.
• The 8 Paths of Learning
• Utilize the paths for your own growth. Progress faster and better.
• Guide others in a well-rounded process of knowledge and development
• Fresh insights and information on the learning paths you already use
• A potent approach to synthesizing and assimilating learning to produce transformation
Written in a way to amuse and designed in a visual format that reads as fast as tv. You won’t get bogged down and it’s all.
Today, I’m neglecting my own ebook launch week to feature another author who is also launching his ebook at the same time. Don’t let today’s post confuse you. You can read yesterday’s post for the scoop on what I’m up to; and remember the get-the-word-out giveaway ends at the stroke of midnight tonight Eastern Standard Time.
REVIEW – Which is more like a mashup of honest observations, reflections, and snippets.
eBook Summary: This is a practical advice and how-to book, mixed with some short personal stories, and some material from previous ebook efforts.
Favorite Quote: I love this quote from the foreword concerning red-pen correction marks: “I would cry and brush it off and just accept the fact that I wasn’t a writer, until the day I realized I was one.”
Why I love it: I love this quote because it’s about identity. When you are a Creator or Communicator, you can’t help but be one. It doesn’t matter how full of red pen marks your papers are. Writers write. Creators create. It’s a core need.
That’s Jeff’s story and his book title is something he told himself.
“You Are a Writer, So Start Acting Like One”
This ebook has universal appeal for Creators and Communicators most as a how-I-did-it piece. Jeff reveals the details of what happened when he did as veteran author Steven Pressfield advised concerning “going pro” in his amazing resource: The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles. This is a vital lesson to learn. Jeff made it work. In this ebook he stresses “…and so can you”.
The parts I didn’t like:
• Perhaps 30% or so of the content is the same information from Jeff’s previous ebooks, which is fine if you haven’t read them, but could be somewhat perturbing if you have. Let the buyer beware.
• I tend to read authors with a greater command of writing craft. His format reads more like a quickly rendered blog post. Some might appreciate the casual style, while others may perhaps surmise hurriedness or inability. It may shrink to personal preference on that part, but an honest appraisal demands I mention it.
One of the best sections is where Jeff unpacks this list:
3 important relationships writers need.
Fans: You need to build meaningful connections with your tribe of followers.
Friends: You need to connect with others who are doing what you are.
Patrons: You need to earn influence with influencers who will support your work.
For whom this book is best: How’s that for starchy grammar…?
This ebook is best for writers (and other communicators) just starting out who need the some tips and how-tos or need to learn the bones and practical ways to win the attention of editors in order to garner greater readership and establish their platform. It also helps muster one’s courage and gives a good boost to get started and keep going.
Personally: For me (though I’m not just starting out), I liked reading what he did to succeed. I learned that I’m actually doing bunch of things right, and I just need to keep it up to meet with success.
Today is the last day of the two-month Spiritual Guidance for Bloggers Series. To me, this was by far the most satisfying, collaborative, and helpful series on this blog to date. Friendships were forged and relationships deepened in creating this series…the purpose of which was to help guide us through the difficult terrain of the blogosphere. To make us wiser and more thoughtful as we do what we do.
So many amazing bloggers shared their personal stories and practical advice. So much high-quality reading offered by so many gifted authors and sterling people. What an honor and grace to have them here. The response from readers and friends pleasantly surprised me, and injected a new hope that we can do right by this medium. Integrity and virtue is possible in this digital “wild west”. And better still, the will is there to do so.
You may have missed a few articles, but no worries. Clicking the category #4Bloggers will list them all for you. It’ll be an evergreen resource of guidance for your blogging efforts, and an encouragement if you run into a blockade. Simply come back, re-read, relearn, or absorb the wisdom and inspiration from others, anytime. May it bless you!
Tomorrow is the beginning of something new and exciting! (The spread-the-word before the launch <giveaway> with Rafflecopter is part of that. Enter and enjoy the free ebook. Your chances of winning other stuff are excellent.)
And now to our final entry by the vivacious Tamara Lunardo (@tamaraoutloud)
Tamara Lunardo
Tamara Lunardo works out her thoughts on life and faith at Tamara Out Loud, occasionally with adult language, frequently with attempted humor, and hopefully with God’s blessing. She is the editor of What a Woman is Worth, due out this summer through Civitas Press. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook!
The Simple Work of Your Hands: Seeing Your Blog as Ministry
-by Tamara Lunardo
“You see your blog as a ministry, don’t you?” he asked, assuming. I’d been blogging for about a year, but I’d never considered it that way til that moment. “Ministry” sounded a bit too grandiose for something so mundane as a blog.
I just used an online space to tell my stories. I didn’t preach the Gospel; I didn’t heal the sick; I didn’t tend to widows and orphans. I just noticed and I thought and I felt and I wrote. And people came to that space to take in a little of life as I saw it, to laugh and wonder and cry alongside me.
But I realized this writing, it was a gift—not something I’d conjured, but something I was given. The gift was meant for the glory of its Giver and for the good of His people. And as I used it, imperfectly but faithfully, I could see that gift turn into ministry: The people who were reading told me that I was writing things they wished they could say; or that it gave them new perspective; or that it made them laugh (and this last is no small thing).
They didn’t need me to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, or tend to widows and orphans—they needed me to tell my stories.
Ministry is not a grandiose thing. It is a humble service, born of a grateful heart. It is a showing up just exactly where God’s placed you and saying, “I’m here to help.” It is His extraordinary gift made manifest by the simple work of your hands.
And He has not placed me in a pulpit to preach the Gospel, but He has placed me in an online space to tell the truth. He has not given me skill to heal the sick, but He has given me laughter to share as medicine. He has not given me resources to tend to widows and orphans, but He has given me stories to meet others in theirs.
And I am grateful; I am here to help. So I type out words, the simple work of my hands. And it is ministry.
Several thousand people arrive at my blog each month because of Ligers.
But maybe you’ve noticed that this isn’t a blog about Ligers. Actually, I rarely feature any big cats, or animals of any kind.
But for the magic of SEO, and Google, they come, massive web traffic, visitors in search of Liger related who-knows-what. If you google “name the liger” I’ll be the first entry.
People want to know if they’re real, or if Napoleon Dynamite was on to something about their skillz in magic. Maybe they want to see one up close. The Myrtle Beach Wildlife Reserve had a baby liger they were showing off, so boom! Liger fans. It’s all been a big flippin’ mistake…
Truth be told, I like Ligers. There’re pretty much my favorite animal. Back in 2010, on a lark I decided that a Liger would be a nice mascot here. After all, I’m a mixed breed myself. I popped up a post about it. “Name the Liger” I said. And still they come.
Lots of useless traffic…Or was it?
Instead of staying frustrated by this feline epic #fail, or even….well…you know being embarrassed by all the ligerish corniness, I decided employ some “Liger Leverage”.
See? They’re magic after all.
I just repurposed the post. In a spirit of general generosity, I worked on giving people something they were looking for.
I linked to the news some readers no doubt wanted about the wildlife reserve, I added some Liger info, and linked to a helpful resource with detailed information and stats on these and other hybrid felines. And I also added an invitation for [errant] visitors to poke around the rest of the site…you know for other flipping’ sweet stuff.
Guess what? In just two weeks, my bounce rate dipped about 35%! (That’s the stat that shows that people notice they’ve gone to the wrong place and click away quickly.) I might have even gained some regular readers.
Are people visiting your blog for the wrong reasons?
It turns out you can redeem the mistake. Use Liger Leverage!
This promo is over but all the volumes are now in 1 digital book!
Until May 3 I’m literally putting my money down on my latest project. This giveaway gets the word out about the free resource Soul Care for Creators and Communicators Volume 1, and announces the rest of the upcoming Series.
Why did I write it?
If you create or communicate, you lose a little piece of yourself each time you put yourself out there. Your tank runs dry. These resources fill it back up with guidance and encouragement. We’re in this together!
So, spread the good news about the new resources, will you? Have fun with this giveaway. You get a free volume, and you might even get a prize for joining in.
Yes. Prizes are nice. $50. Starbucks gift cards. Free ebooks (all 5 volumes)
Everyone wins the first volume, just by being a part of it. Thank you for playing.