Eps 96: Overcoming the Dark Side of Innovation and Group Projects

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• Audio is released each Wednesday.

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Today my guest is social psychologist and business school professor at the University of San Diego, Jennifer Mueller, PhD.


• Click here for SHOW NOTES

of Episode 96, with Jennifer.

• SHOW NOTES for today cost just $1.

Show Notes are time-stamped details and embedded resources of the audio for your reference, extra enjoyment, and use.  They include important information and links to people, websites, books, articles mentioned, and other related episodes, other information, and resources. Super cool.

[When you click for SHOW NOTES today, you get ALL the Show Notes for EVERY episode released in January, for FREE.]


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Eps 64: TWIN-CASTING with Minimalist, Jeff Sandquist who Returns with a Surprising Story

Today, is a special TWIN-cast. I’ve NEVER done this before and I’m excited!
Brace yourself for this news:
Not only do I have Jeff on as a return guest today, but Jeff interviewed ME. That conversation is released today too. What a treat, right?

Find a link for that below at the end of the show notes.

DON’T FORGET about the Special 1-hour SOUL SCHOOL LIVE Event– this Wednesday, June 8th (2016) at 8pm, EDT.
GET MORE INFO info here.

(If you’d like to share a piece of audio from this episode, click the red and white icon below.)


JefSandquistSHOW NOTES:

(Click to hear the previous Spark My Muse podcast episode with Jeff. March 2016.)

MIN 2:00
The significant birthday this year that changed Jeff’s life and why.

Does losing a parent at a young age change how you live?

MIN 12:00
Trying to be perfect. Trying to control and conquer life and death.

MIN 14:30
The common pain of loss in death and loss of the attachments.

MIN 19:30
Prioritizing relationships and experiences over goals, achievements, grades, and materials things.

MIN 23:00
Was minimalism coming to a place of healing from consumerism that came from loss?

Being curious.

MIN 27:00

• Does grief, loss, and death inform how Jeff lives and how does it?

Death: Not fear based motivator, but a passion-based motivator.

“The Obstacle is the Way” Ryan Holiday

“Behind every mountain is another mountain.”

Mortality is a time limit makes you efficient and have a better perspective.

MIN 33:00

“[ictt-tweet-inline via=””][/ictt-tweet-inline]What do you want to exchange your time [your life] for?”

MIN 35:00

What do you want to share and where do you want to go from here.

The Episode with his “rock-star” mom.

Grit and gratitude.

MIN 44:30
Jeff’s funk

MIN 48:30
[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]BE CURIOUS![/ictt-tweet-inline]

Find out what Jeff asks me on his podcast HERE.lisaWjeff

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EPS 55: Living out the Resurrection – Guest Christine Sine

I have an Easter treat for you, and of course it’s a gift that will give all year long–no matter when you stumble onto this episode!

My guest is Christine Sine, M.D. an author, blogger, teacher, gardener, spiritual contemplative and the Executive Director of Mustard Seed Associates.

She has much to tell us about Christian spiritually lived in a healthy, whole, and fully-embodied way.


The Show Notes are SO full of links to books and resources. Scroll down for all of those.

Please share this episode liberally. It truly is lovely to glean from Christine, especially as we begin Spring; and my wish is that as many as possible are exposed to her and her work. Thank you!

If you enjoy or benefit at all from what you hear, please remember that just a few dollars from you helps my efforts so very much so I can continue.

Leave a ONE-TIME gift HERE. Thank you.



Be sure to visit the Godspace – Mustard Seed Associates website frequently, like I do, for many treasures on your journey.


Christine’s experience as a medical doctor and director on Mercy Ships and her development on the ideas of health and wholeness.

MIN 4:30

Wholeness and the connection she found to Celtic Christian Spirituality.


Celtic Christianity as a brand of faith was identified with the poor and family and not connected with wealth and power associated with the Holy Roman Empire and European monarchs.

MIN 11

Creation in translucent. God is shown through it.

MIN 14

God speaks through two books: The Bible and The Book of Creation.

MIN 17

The many expressions of faith that shaped Christine.

MIN 20

Tapping into the tools, history, and learning resources (often through technology) to enliven and enrich our faith.

MIN 21

Listening for the voice and presence of God and joining God in what is already happening. This avoids burnout. The Jewish view of the day starts with rest and sleep and God at work.

MIN 24:30

On her Godspace-msa.com website and the resource center with guest writers.

MIN 27

Easter and the Resurrection

MIN 29

Seasonal resources and family resources

MIN 30

Books recently influential to Christine:

To the Table: A Spirituality of Food, Farming and Community by Lisa Graham McMinn

A Spirituality of Listening by Keith Anderson

Barbra Brown Taylor “An Altar in the World”

“Learning to Walk in the Dark”

Henri Nouwen

Christine Valters Painter
Lectio Divina

Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Christian Completive Practice

MIN 35

Contemplative Christian spirituality

her poem

This is a link to Christine’s other books

Find Christine on these outlets:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Youtube

    Thank you so much for your interest and for listening today.

    Spark My Muse has new episodes TWICE per week.

    I ask of you 3 things:
    1. Please subscribe (see below),
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    I frequently host LIVE, online discussions and you are invited. You can catch many of the REPLAYS here too. Poke around and see what you find here at the website!

EPS 37: James Prescott on Rob Bell, Spiral Dynamics, and creating

Today, I welcome writer and recently minted podcaster JAMES PRESCOTT from all the way across the pond!

Scroll down for shownotes and my book release new at the bottom!

Go here for James’ website.

Make sure you listen to the James Talks podcast!


Early formation and suffering, including his parent’s problems and his mom’s death and pivotal spiritual influences.

10 min
Being changed by Rob Bell at camp/

About how our formation directs our lives whether we know it or not

15 min
Christian Mystics and the commonalities

Spiral Dynamics a theory about human consciousness

26 min Church as a place of grace

29 James’ book
Dance of the Writer

(join his Facebook group here)

34 min
The War of Art

38 min
The monotheism of money in the U.S. (Lisa)

44 min
Wrestling with the lie and myths of success

50 min How quickly what we do will be forgotten. How much do you know about our great grandparents? (Lisa)

Booming the right kind of person now and surrendering the outcome of the work of passionate creation.

 Thanks for listening to the podcast!

A message from Lisa

The new book is called FORKED: A Discernment Pocket Guide (for Choosing Between Two Good Things).

Watch the trailer!

If you’re in the middle of a tough decision or at a crossroads season of your life, this is the resource for you.

• To read a sample click HERE.

• Click the image for more info.


Soul School – lesson 1

"Safe Neighborhood?" (creative commons photo by Josve05a Flickr)
(creative commons photo by Josve05a Flickr)

Here is something different.

It’s a short episode with a thought experiment, a kind of class in “soul school”.

Let me know what you think.

I’d like to intersperse short “lessons” with my typical interview episodes. I’ll do a few as a test and see where it goes.