PROGRAM DETAILS: • Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation. • Come back each Wednesday (on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.
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Today my guest is R. SCOTT GORNTO (MDIV, LMFT, CST,) who is a therapist, speaker, and author based in Dallas, Texas. He’s the creator of the Auxano Approach® to relationships, The Truth About Marriage® workshops and intensives for couples, and the RQ Relational Intelligence program for C-level executives and leaders.
• Today, we discuss very useful concepts and methods from his book “The Stories We Tell Ourselves” among other things, including how we construct reality.
• SHOW NOTES for today cost just $1.
Show Notes are time-stamped details of the audio for your reference, extra enjoyment, and use. They include important information and links to people, websites, books, articles mentioned, and other related episodes, other information, and resources. Super cool.
• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.
Want to help?
LISTENERS, like you, support Spark My Muse with gifts and spreading the word about the show.
Today, my guest is Erik Vance a researcher and science water whose work has been published in The New York Times, Scientific American, and National Geographic. He is the author of
Suggestible You: The Curious Science of Your Brain’s Ability to Deceive, Transform and Heal published by National Geographic
(click for more book info)
MIN 2:00
When the brain heals or cures the body without medicine and studying the placebo effect.
Being a Christian Scientist as a child and experiencing faith healing.
MIN 4:30
Faith healing and gullibility
1940s studies determined that the non responders to placebo “pure”, the the response in part of being human.
MIN 7:30
Hypnosis and being “talented” if you are hypnotizable.
[My conversation with Magician Kevin Ferguson about HYPNOSIS and DECEPTION]
MIN 8:30
Expectancy, belief, and placebo effect
MIN 10:30
Priming and doctors using he placebo effect to help people.
Brain is a giant prediction machine.
MIN 12:30
When Erik got electric shocks and his brain filled in the gaps
MIN 15:00
Distraction and pain killing and hypnosis
MIN 18:00
Memories, Suggestibility, and Placebo
Dr Steven Porter – False and Implanted Memories and placebo
[My episode with Dr Porter on implanted and false memories.]
Who we are is so tied up in our memories
MIN 20:30
3 phases of memories
memories and expectation for healing
MIN 23:30
Flashbulb memories and how memories changed
MIN 25:00
Eastern vs. Western medicine in terms of healing and placebo
Now used more in certain conditions that track with placebo research and findings.
MIN 28:30
The conditions that respond to placebos
MIN 30:30
Placebo effect that works on top of medicines
MIN 32:30
Marketing medicine in certain ways to increasing effects
MIN 34:30
The rules in play that can cause a 60% response rate to placebos
MIN 36:30
Want Nocebo is (“I shall harm”)
MIN 38:00
Fear is powerful motivator
MIN 38:30
Superstitions, curses (nocebo) and when Erik ask a witch doctor to curse him
MIN 43:00
Proper Hoc Ergo Hoc
(looking for a cause as a reason after something happens)
• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.
LISTENERS, like you, support Spark My Muse with gifts and spreading the word about the show.
I’m honored by your love and help.