Common Unity, Identity and the Remembering [SSL70]

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This is Soul School Lesson 70 (SSL 70)

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Esp: 91- Finding an Unhurried, Peaceful Life free of Burnout, Guest Alan Fadling

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.

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Episode 91- Finding an Unhurried, Peaceful Life–free of Burnout, Guest Alan Fadling

Gem and Alan Fadling
Gem and Alan Fadling – of Unhurried Living, Inc.

• Click here for SHOW NOTES

of Episode 91, that features my guest Alan Fadling, the author of the book An Unhurried Life, and the founder of Unhurried Living Inc.*

[The cost is $1 and includes the Show Notes for all episodes released in the month of December.]

• Show Notes are time-stamped and include important links to websites, books, articles mentioned, and other related episodes or information, and resources.

*During this episode, I mentioned a book by John Ortberg, but at the time, I could not remember the name. Full details and a link to the book that speaks to the theme “hurry sickness’ are in the Show Notes! It’s an excellent resource. Check it out HERE.


Audio Player:
91- Finding an Unhurried, Peaceful Life–free of Burnout, Guest Alan Fadling

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Soul School – Lesson 56: The 4 Hidden Factors of an Identity Crisis

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For the later half of the 20th Century people would refer to a phenomenon of undergoing a “mid-life crisis”. After growing up, getting an education, having a career or family, or both, people would get to about mid-life and not be sure why they were doing what they were doing; or what any of it meant anymore, or who they really were anyway. Some would buy sports cars, or run off with their young secretaries, or quit their jobs, go back to school, start writing poetry, start a new hobby, revive their religion or start into a new one, or go on a motorcycle ride across the country. Many others would trudge, more quietly, through it until it was over and they found their way again.

But, in the last 20 years along came another term “the quarter-life crisis”. This referred to people at the beginning of adulthood–perhaps just out of college or working for a few years, or recently married, or putting off marriage. The angst and the quandaries were similar and these people struggled deeply wondering what they should do and be in the world.

Now, these types of Identity Crises periods seem to happen often to people–even every few years, and this episode of Soul School goes into why and what can be done about it.

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Eps 80: Exploring Pride, Confidence, and Success, Guest Dr. Jessica Tracy

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.

Even though listening twice a week is free, making Spark My Muse costs money out of my own pocket to create, produce, and host online–and takes 25-30 hours of tears and toil per week too. Listeners, like you, give to support the show. LISTENERS make the BIG difference – Thank you for helping, too!

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Today’s guest is Dr Jessica Tracy, the leading expert on the emotion of pride. Jess is a Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia and a Canadian Institute for Health Research New Investigator. Her work is currently supported by a Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant. She is an Associate Editor at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relationships and Group Processes. 


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Show Notes:


There are 2 kinds of Pride.

Dr Tracy’s new book on the topic.

The distinction between emotions and how pride is expressed.

Universal expressions of pride in humans around the world.


Both kinds of pride lead to power–both different kinds.

A self evaluation is needed for the emotion of pride.

Amy Cuddy’s book Presence

(Power poses produce certain chemicals that help us succeed.)

MIN 7:00


A gobal negative sense of self.

Pride and shame body expression in congenitally blind athletes.


Dr Tracy became interested in studying more complexed emotions. Paul Ekman showed that 6 distinct emotions were recognized all over the world (1960s) and determined through facial expressions. Similarly pride was determined to be an emotion due to bodily expressions.

MIN 13:30

Do other primates have expressions of pride and what is it like?

MIN 17:00

Humans notice high status expressions in pride body language.


Dominance and Prestige both work to get power.

Dominance and success.

Types of tasks and types of leaders and types of pride.


Avoiding the wrong kind of pride.

Authentic pride is a huge motivator.

MIN 25:30

Looking for praise (which can lead to bragging) for the feelings of pride instead seeing the accomplishments for the sense of pride.

Social costs to hubristic pride ( which gets you power or status) but creates situations where others don’t like you.


[ictt-tweet-inline]A big misconception about pride is that it should be avoided.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Pride strengthens our identity.

Our society determines what we feel the emotion of pride about.

A caution:
Don’t get caught of in the great feelings of pride and get grandiose and forget why you did the good thing you did.

WEBSITE LINK: Emotion Lab and Dr Tracy’s work.

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Soul School – Lesson 32 – Counterfeit ID?

Thank you so very much for listening!

Each Wednesday is a Soul School lesson and each Friday is a conversation with a featured guest.

Today’s Soul School is about Counterfeit Identity, valuing our worth, and taking the risk of being original.

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  • Monthly Supporters at the $5 level get some extra perks.
    (It’s called “Varsity Club”).

• SOME of the PERKS include: Live event replays (not found elsewhere), and live and exclusive online member-only events are included too. Access video lessons and handouts from Lessons 18-29.

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You can see PART II of Lesson 28.
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Be sure to subscribe (see below) and listen to the Friday episode with my featured guest, Preston Sprinkle on the Christian argument for absolute non violence as a response to violence.  (Preston is no stranger to controversy!)