Eps. 191: Awakened by Death to Living; Guest, Christiana Peterson

My guest today is author and returning guest Christiana Peterson; and we are conversing about her book “Awakened by Death Life-Giving Lessons from the Mystics” Find my notes for this episode and extras normally when you contribute as a supporter for a tiny amount, but this time they are free: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46214189

To hear our first conversation about her book “Mystics and Misfits: Meeting God through St. Francis and Other Unlikely Saints” (Episode 137) go here: https://lisadelay.com/blog/blog/eps-137-writing-letters-to-the-misfit-mystics-guest-christiana-n-peterson
Reading REMINDER! JANUARY 2021 Selection— is
Revolutions of the Heart: Literary, Cultural & Spiritual by Yahia Lababidi
Feb 3 – is the LIVE STREAM book club discussion- It’s free to come, but you need to save your spot. Click HERE to do that.

If you missed the author discussion (JAN 6) of “The Great Belonging” by Charlotte Donlon, you can watch it here! (sparkmymuse.com) powered by Crowdcast
• SparkMyMuse.com contains over 368 audio episodes you can hear, an online store, and many resources. Visit. Roam. And Enjoy! 🚩My book “The Wild Land Within” is about discovering the unknown landscape of the heart and is NOW Available for Pre-order at tiny.cc/wildINDIE. Find out more!
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The Wet Dog Diary: Introducing LUNA

Luna, our chocolate lab

When I decided to adopt Luna, a five year old chocolate lab 2 days ago, I knew I had to jump in with BOTH feet.

You can’t halfway care for a dog and love it halfway or something bad can take over. Resentment.

The truth is that dogs smell really gross to me. Their fur gets on to everything and they’ve seem ridiculously emotionally needy to me. The constant caring for them can feel like such a never-ending  chore. But the reality is also that they need people. These pack animals get neurotic and socially dysfunctional without a predictable caregiver who serves as pack leader. (Yes, I’ve been learning for the Dog Whisperer, Cesar Millan.)

They easily sense apprehension. They need a non frustrated, calm leader–and I admit when she shoves me out of the way to barge out into the rain after school kids I get tense!

Having grace for her problems and retraining her to be a better fit in our family is the new mission of The DeLay Pack.

I’ll keep you posted. Soon.

In the meantime, what good advice do you have for me?


Picking your Neurosis Before it Picks You

Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Pulpolux !!! via Compfight
I’m neurotic. You are too. Ready for a pleasant surprise? Neurosis is normal. Anxiety is normal. Both are…get this: helpful.


Neurosis is how normal people cope with a changing environment.
As stressful situations enter our lives we have anxiety, and we deal with it in a number of ways. Neurotic ways. A neurotic person (like you or me) is just someone who is dealing with anxiety-producing pain, hurt, or stress. You know, the normal stuff of life. If we didn’t become anxious we wouldn’t have the motivating to improve our situation. We wouldn’t be…human.


It’s only when our neurotic method of coping becomes a main characteristic in our life does it fall into a category called “a neurotic disorder“. (Neurosis should not be mistaken for psychosis, which refers a loss of connection with reality and will include delusions or hallucinations. To be clear, both disorder and psychosis should be helped by a trained pro.)


For a bit of a primer here is the insight of Dr. George Boeree. Effects of neurosis can involve these (all too familiar) states:
• Anxiety, sadness, depression, anger, irritability, mental confusion, low sense of self-worth. Again, normal stuff we experience from time to time.
Behavioral symptoms like phobic avoidance, vigilance, impulsive and compulsive acts, or lethargy…on the other side of the spectrum.
Cognitive problems like unpleasant or disturbing thoughts, repeating thoughts and obsessions, habitual fantasizing, negativity, and cynicism.
Interpersonal problems like unhealthy dependency, aggressiveness, perfectionism, schizoid isolation (which sounds like the name of a punk band, right? Actually, it relates to social avoidance), and socio-culturally inappropriate behaviors, among a few. [1]
In each case a certain amount of any of these traits fall into the range of normal human behavior in the face of stress. It is the prolonged characteristics which signal a greater problem, and needed healing.
You could be more typical than you’ve imagined. I wonder if we go around thinking we are incredibly messed up, when we aren’t doing so terribly bad after all. It helps to periodically assess how you are doing on this front.
Personally, I was reflecting on all this. I was rather relieved to learn that neurosis is normal. Am I the only one who didn’t know this? I took some inventory of my own neurotic outcroppings. (I felt brave at that moment.)
• How much thought was I putting into my neurotic behavior? Little.
• Were any neurotic behaviors the “boss of me”? Yep.

For instance, sometimes I crave and ingest sugar. Sometimes I numb-out with tech, or some distraction. Sometimes I grow irritable and wallow a bit. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop before we both get too embarrassed.


I thought, “What if I could be more conscious of how I direct my neurosis, since stress and the neurotic response are in fact unavoidable?” I can’t be rid of them, but I can make wiser choices.
Instead of opening the fridge when I feel stressed, I’ll do a set or two of arm curls. Or, maybe I’ll make a journal entry, pray, meditate, or take a walk instead of strolling the information super highway to distract myself. (I thought I’d bring in a 1990s internet term to keep you on your toes.)
Have you considered some of your unconscious (yet normal) neurotic mechanisms recently?  How could they be better directed in your life?
I’d love to hear your thoughts or comments on the topic.

What are some of the neurotic things you do?

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurosis