Eps 110: The Immigrant Refugee Story and Work of Karen González

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Karen  González

She describes herself as a-
Follower of Jesus | Mujerista | Immigrant Latina | Writer | Refugee Worker in Baltimore | Amateur Theologian | Co-host of |

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Eps 108: Exploring the figure of Jesus, as the Son of Man, guest Daniel J. Kirk

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(Audio is released each Wednesday)

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Daniel J. Kirk writes and speaks about the big story of the Bible and how it intersects with life, faith, and culture. He earned a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University and taught in a variety of institutions over a ten-year teaching career. He lives in San Francisco with his wife Laura and two school-aged children. His back yard has been overrun by chickens who have no interest in being confined to their designated space, and his refrigerator is regularly stocked with his homebrewed Cursing Reverend beer.

Click for MORE episode INFO, links, details and reflection questions, click HERE!

Two books mentioned:


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Eps 107: Pete Enns says the Bible is for Normal People

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(Audio is released each Wednesday)

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• This production comes to you FREE each week, however it takes many hours to make.
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Peter Enns (Ph.D. Harvard University) is Abram S. Clemens professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University (St. Davids, PA). He has taught undergraduate, seminary, and doctoral courses at numerous other schools, including Princeton Theological Seminary, Harvard Divinity School, and Temple University.  Enns speaks and writes regularly to diverse audiences about the intersection of the ancient setting of Bible and contemporary Christian faith. He is a frequent contributor to journals and encyclopedias, and has written, edited, and contributed to nearly 20 books, including The Bible Tells Me So: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It, Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament, and The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn’t Say about Human Origins, winner of the 2012 ForeWord Review Book of the Year Award in Religion (adult nonfiction).  Enns resides in suburban Philadelphia with his wife Susan.


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Common Unity, Identity and the Remembering [SSL70]

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This is Soul School Lesson 70 (SSL 70)

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Eps 98: Eric Zimmer (One You Feed, Host) MOTIVATION for Lasting Life Changes

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Audio is released each Wednesday.

Audio features guest interviews, “Soul School Lessons”, or other types of programing.
• sometimes BONUS episodes are released on FRIDAYS.

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Today a have on a return guest, Eric Zimmer, the host of the acclaimed program “The One You Feed podcast”. Eric has conversed with some of the world’s most recognized and wise luminaries, scientists, and teachers of our times. Eric’s own story of recovery and life change is remarkable and he coaches people all over the world toward lasting behavior change and is often invited to speak on the topic.


• Click here for the

SHOW NOTES Access Pass

to Episode 98, with Eric. The Access Pass will also unlock all previous episode Show Notes and include all episodes of February 2017.

Show Notes are time-stamped details of the audio with resources for your reference, extra enjoyment, and use.  They include important information and links to people, websites, books, articles mentioned, and other related episodes, other information, and resources so you can dig deeper or learn more. Super cool. Cost is $1 per month and you can cancel anytime.


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