Eps. 175 | Mystery Doesn’t Need to be Defended; Guest, Steve Wiens

Steve Wiens, is a writer, speaker, pastor, and the podcast host of This Good Word podcast. Our conversation involves rich topics from his book Shining Like the Sun about 7 Practices that deepen our intimacy with God. We converse about listening past our dualist assumptions and participating in the mysteries we don’t have to defend; Allowing God to be sufficient for us and accepting the extravagant divine love available as we detach from stories that don’t work anymore and begin to practice awareness that draws us into a life unfolding with moments and discoveries of the eternal now. Dive in deeper on this episode HERE (Support the program today and unlock extras from many episodes. patreon.com/sparkmymuse)
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Eps 114: Jesus, the Misunderstood Jew – Guest, AJ Levine


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Guest: Amy-Jill Levine, PhD

University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies
Mary Jane Werthan Professor in Jewish Studies
Professor of Jewish Studies

Amy-Jill Levine is University Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies, Mary Jane Werthan Professor of Jewish Studies, and Professor of New Testament Studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School and College of Arts and Science; she is also Affiliated Professor, Centre for the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations, Cambridge UK.


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Also included is hilarious BONUS audio with AJ that didn’t make it in to the program. 

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Why does embrace mean so much?

When I first saw this video below, I cried. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vr3x_RRJdd4]

It showed me the power of offering connection and love. The largely untapped, healing power of embrace–which connotes acceptance–seems to be too absent today. The distance between us grows, even though technology has supposedly drawn us together.

Luke 15:20 “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.”

If you would, please response here, and explain your feelings about embrace, or any reactions you had to this post, the video, or the artwork. Thank you.

An idea for plumbing deeper:

Your challenge-

Bring these pictures to mind the next time you pray, and speak about them to God, honestly. If you have fears, joy, sorrow, gratitude, or other feelings, express them, using this theme as a vehicle to interact in your next intimate time with the Lover of your soul.