(detail from a large Medieval art panel)
• See the rest of the art panel today [and far more crazy related-images] for free at the link below. Consider supporting this work and find other extras here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/53872496Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:
You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have access.
A LITTLE HELP, please?
• Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing.
Can you give today?Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
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( a WEIRD detail from a larger art panel that speaks to Gluttony)
• See the rest of the art panel today for free. The full art panel from the detail above and some other crazy vintage artwork depicting Gluttony are at the link below. Consider supporting this work as you find other extras here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/53532240Listen now with the AUDIO PLAYER:
You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have access.
A LITTLE HELP, please?
• Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing.
Can you give today?Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
Listen to a recent episode:
• Help Spark My Muse thrive in these two ways:
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http://tiny.cc/wildINDIEA LITTLE HELP, please?
• Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing. That means I need your help to make this possible. Can you give a bit today?Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
Listen to a recent episode:
• Help Spark My Muse thrive in these two ways:
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2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes HERE. (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id988423690&ls=1)
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You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have accesss.
How many tabs do you have open?
I’m the kind of creator who usually has 10-15 browser tabs open, files and images cluttering my desktop, and resources propped open from several places. It’s a messy system. It’s no system. 😳 But, I’m delighted by a new solution.
It’s called Kahana Writing Hubs. A free service, platform, and tools to help with everything I want to make or plan. Optimal organization, clean and undistracted writing hubs are built-in. Now, just one navigable area holds my whole project that teem with files and resources—and it’s stress-free.
What a salvation from wasted time and hassles!
If you’d like to take a look at this free-forever access to writing resources that is simple, frictionless, and distraction-free, use the reference code FOUNDER.
🚩PLEASE NOTE: These are limited spots on a waiting list and this is available for a limited time.Get your Free Account with bonus writing hubs at Kahana or get more info here at Kahana.co/registerA LITTLE HELP, please?
• Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing. So, that means I need your help to make this possible. Can you give today?Just pay-what-you’d-like or what you can to help. It’s appreciated. Thank you. ❤️• VENMO: venmo.com/lisadelay• PayPal.me/lisacolondelay
Listen to a recent episode:
• Help Spark My Muse thrive in these two ways:
1. Share the program with another person today.
2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes HERE. (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id988423690&ls=1)
Don’t forget to pick a subscribe option that is best for you at (sparkmymuse.com) below:
You can connect, share passages, thoughts, and ask questions related to the book, or sit back and watch. All welcome- but you must sign up have accesss.
How many tabs are open?
When I work on a project, be that a book, an article, or while writing for my podcast, I’m the kind of creator who has 10-15 browser tabs open, files and images cluttering my desktop, and resources propped open from several places. It’s a messy system. It’s no system. But, I’m delighted by a new solution.
It’s called Kahana. A free service, platform, and tools to help with everything I want to make or plan. Optimal organization and clean and undistracted writing hubs are built-in. Now, just one navigable area holds my whole project that teem with files and resources—and it’s stress-free. What a salvation from wasted time and hassles!
If you’d like to take a look at this free-forever access to writing resources that is simple, frictionless, and distraction-free, use the reference code FOUNDER. 🚩PLEASE NOTE: These are limited spots on a waiting list and available for a limited time.Get you Founder Account at Kahana or get more info here at Kahana.blog
A LITTLE HELP, please? • Most everything I create can be enjoyed for little or nothing. So, that means I need your help to make this possible. Can you give today?