Deconstruction and Reconstruction is a lifelong process.
After a season of growth and rebirth, things CHANGE and that means you will CRAVE stability and a return to “normal”. Today, is about that and what to do about it. I wish I had known this 20 years ago!!
After you listen to PART I (the audio button you can click below) be sure to Watch the video, PART II. It comes with a handout and is part of Varsity Club. It goes into Lesson 25 in a deeper way and has action steps and a specific guide to enact rebirth in your relationships. Find that here.
The quick details about Varsity Club:
This is the way core listeners, like you, support Spark My Muse with a monthly $5–that’s a tiny $1.25 per week. This comes with the option of 15 minutes of exclusive time with me, each month, to ask any questions you’d like from any podcast or Soul School episode. If questions come up, or if you’d like to know more, you get me to yourself.
You can cancel anytime and weekly Video lessons and handouts go back all the way to Lesson 18!
New video classes and resources come each week for Soul School lessons for monthly supporters who love Soul School, like you do. You can cancel anytime.
Thanks for listening to the Spark My Muse podcast today. Each Friday is a conversational guest episode. Today’s episode is a Spark My Muse first–not one, but two guests–the women from the podcast Sacred Ordinary Days. Jean and Lacy have quickly grown a strong tribe as they help listeners understand the seasons and rhythms of the liturgical year. They have both launched some fascinating resources too you will want to hear more about.
LENT 2016 February 10 – March 26 (but not Sundays)
MIN 32
Season of disruption where you make space and grieving the sad things about life. It prepares you for other sorrowful times in life. And prepares us to truly celebrate the wonderful times as well. We can hold both together. There are paradoxes. Both/And
MIN 35 Being fully human.
MIN 36 “It’s all grace.”
MIN 37
The underlying season remains and we can return to it whenever we need it.
This episode was originally an audio and visual conversation (on Blab- Cameron’s first!) and you can view that as a REPLAY below.
Cameron Strang is the founder of Relevant magazine and Relevant media group–arguably the most influential media forces for Christians under the age of 30 in the world. This powerhouse reaches over 17 million people per month through their various media efforts of tv streaming, podcasts, books, music, magazines, and more.
How did he do it? Why? What makes it work? What’s the future for Relevant? The answers will surprise you.
Friday episodes are longer conversational ones with guests. Find the full list here.
Wednesday episodes are shorter, potent ones called “Soul School” with homework for you overachievers–you know who you are. Find the full list here.
Spark-LIVE: Catch some of the Spark LIVE. The LIVE discussions with friends and guests are on interesting topics about 3 times per month and they are great. Catch the Replays you miss here at the website.
• To join in for the LIVE events you Sign up HERE; (YES they are FREE). BUT! follow me on Twitter for links and info too. (This is smart because some discussions are listed elsewhere with with colleagues on their accounts.)
Welcome to Spark My Muse! I love that you’re here.
Friday episodes are longer conversational ones with guests. Find the full list here.
Wednesday episodes are shorter, potent ones called “Soul School”. Find the full list here.
SPARK- LIVE: I also do live discussions with friends and guests on interesting topics about 3 times per month and feature the Replays here at the website. Sign up for those HERE; and follow me on Twitter for links and info. (Because some discussions are listed elsewhere.)
Scroll down for detailed show notes labeled by the minute,and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast. If you feel so moved, get the 2-3 times monthly newsletter here that comes to you with love from me with insider info and extras.
Could you live with others communally and share everything in common? Money. Food. Living Space. Possessions. Goals. Identity. Your Future. Many of us may extoll the virtues of community but have minimal exposure with a lived-out experience. Tammy Perlmutter lives in a commune with her daughter and husband and you’ll learn her story today.
The longing for tight social bonds is so primal that even when the people we trust most betray us, we will seek out other opportunities for the solace of those connections until we find them.
Tammy Perlmutter is a talented creator who lives with the intentional community of Jesus People USA, a commune of Christians that dates back over 40 years.
From Tammy’s website:
I’m an East Coast girl at heart, born and raised in Philadelphia, but (for the second time!) called to Chicago for ministry. I live and work with Jesus People USA, an intentional Christian community of 200 members, living together in the historic 10-story Chelsea Hotel. We are rooted in the Uptown neighborhood, described as “Twenties Charm Meets Psych Ward with No Walls,” to love and serve the homeless, disciple believers, and be a presence for Christ in Chicago. I have lived communally for 15 years, and even with all its challenges and hardships, I consider myself beyond blessed to experience authentic, organic community in all its crazy, chaotic richness.
The group’s long-term existence and historic roots in the 1960s make it, according to sociologist Shawn Young, one of the most contemporary significant groups from the Jesus Movement era:
Founded in 1972, this community is one of the most significant surviving expressions of the original Jesus Movement of the sixties and seventies and represents a radical expression of contemporary countercultural evangelicalism. JPUSA’s blend of Christian Socialism, theological orthodoxy, postmodern theory and ethos of edgy artistic expression (as demonstrated at their annual music festival) prove what some scholars have longed suspected: evangelicalism is a diverse, complex movement, which simply does not yield to any attempt at categorization. [
The building where Tammy lives:
MIN 1:
MIN 3:00
Tammy’s upbringing: living for 13 years in foster care around inner city Philadelphia and then a residential facility and being a lost girl.
MIN 10:00
How does Tammy think cycles of instability, abuse and addiction get broken and redeemed?
How hope happens?
Humiliation and despair.
A turning point when her case was turned over to Bethana social workers.
Being seen and heard for the first time.
Escaping into books and starting to write using the bookend papers.
Finding an intentional community (commune) JesusPeopleUSA
Cornerstone Festival and the rigged drawing
Being suicidal and living a dangerous lifestyle.
Keeping her promise about answering any question.
Finding a home instead of rejection.
Choosing a new life and the spiritual warfare battles she experienced at that point.
Being attracted to a Jewish East Coaster who she eventually married.
The Jews for Jesus experience that took them away from the community.
The deal to move back to Chicago and things feeling hopeless.
Being made for community and belonging.
Businesses that support the community and the ministries.
If this topic interests you, listen to the episode with activist Shane Claiborne who started the intentional inner city community in Philadelphia called The Simple Way. HEAR that here.
This is a REPLAY of a short live broadcast I did explaining my contention that secular arguments such as the 2 main ones by Jennifer Michael Hecht are sufficient anti-suicide arguments for Christians that can prevent suicidal behavior and additional deaths and pain consequential to those behaviors.
The “practical atheism” many Christians live out is another reason, but that is for a different podcast or live broadcast. That could be a can of worms that get me booted out of both camps…and maybe I’m fine with that.
The research shows that many people who take their lives do it not from a long, planned out event, but from an impulsive and desperate act done after a big setback, humiliation or disappointment (or string of them) that leaves them feeling hopeless. Depress can be a factor, but many people who are depressed do not kill themselves.
MAKE SURE YOU LISTEN to the EPISODE this periscope is REFERRING to with Jennifer Michael Hecht. Her work is important. HERE