Do You Invert Hospitality? SSL 273

Today a reading from Cindy S. Lee’s book and thoughts on connection, hospitality, and mutuality.

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On Dignity; Dallas Willard SSL 266

Find the companion page (on substack) here:

Dallas Willard list of books authored. 64 titles:

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Eps 211: Shaky Ground and Deconstructing; Guest, Traci Rhoades

My conversation with Traci Rhoades on her new book is perfect if you’ve felt like you’ve been on some sort of shaky ground. ⬇️

(The Substack and Patreon links below have links to Traci and the things we spoke of)

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Eps 183: Not All Who Wander (spiritually) Are Lost | Traci Rhoades

My conversation today is with Traci Rhoades about her first book Not All Who Wander (spiritually) Are Lost: A Story of Church A great way to say “thanks for the audio” is to stop by the extras page to get all the show notes and great links HERE: 😃. ( | Episode 183)

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• contains over 345 audio episodes, an online store, and many resources. Visit. Roam. And Enjoy! My book “The Wild Land Within” is about the unknown landscape of the heart and is NOW Available for Pre-order at Find out more!
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Eps. 179: Signs of Life, Guest, Stephanie Lobdell

Today, my conversation is with preacher, writer, and campus minister, Stephanie Lobdell and we are speaking about her book: Signs of Life: Resurrection Hope from Ordinary Losses. View extras in the show notes and pay what you can to dive in deeper on this episode HERE ( ( | Episode 179)

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• contains over 340 audio episodes, an online store, and many resources. Visit. Roam. And Enjoy!
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