Gaining Wholeness, Renewal, and Healing the World [SSL117]

Welcome to another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse. This is Soul School Lesson 117 [SSL117]

Some of this episode is directly inspired from Karen Armstrong’s work and includes quotes from this amazing book. Find all the EXTRAS, links, and useful info for this episode HERE. Plus, get Lisa’s forthcoming book when you contribute $5 or more.
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Worlds Within Worlds [SSL108]

Welcome to another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse.
This is Soul School Lesson 108 [SSL108]

Find EXTRAS for this episode HERE.

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Eps 80: Exploring Pride, Confidence, and Success, Guest Dr. Jessica Tracy

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.

Even though listening twice a week is free, making Spark My Muse costs money out of my own pocket to create, produce, and host online–and takes 25-30 hours of tears and toil per week too. Listeners, like you, give to support the show. LISTENERS make the BIG difference – Thank you for helping, too!

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Today’s guest is Dr Jessica Tracy, the leading expert on the emotion of pride. Jess is a Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia and a Canadian Institute for Health Research New Investigator. Her work is currently supported by a Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant. She is an Associate Editor at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relationships and Group Processes. 


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Show Notes:


There are 2 kinds of Pride.

Dr Tracy’s new book on the topic.

The distinction between emotions and how pride is expressed.

Universal expressions of pride in humans around the world.


Both kinds of pride lead to power–both different kinds.

A self evaluation is needed for the emotion of pride.

Amy Cuddy’s book Presence

(Power poses produce certain chemicals that help us succeed.)

MIN 7:00


A gobal negative sense of self.

Pride and shame body expression in congenitally blind athletes.


Dr Tracy became interested in studying more complexed emotions. Paul Ekman showed that 6 distinct emotions were recognized all over the world (1960s) and determined through facial expressions. Similarly pride was determined to be an emotion due to bodily expressions.

MIN 13:30

Do other primates have expressions of pride and what is it like?

MIN 17:00

Humans notice high status expressions in pride body language.


Dominance and Prestige both work to get power.

Dominance and success.

Types of tasks and types of leaders and types of pride.


Avoiding the wrong kind of pride.

Authentic pride is a huge motivator.

MIN 25:30

Looking for praise (which can lead to bragging) for the feelings of pride instead seeing the accomplishments for the sense of pride.

Social costs to hubristic pride ( which gets you power or status) but creates situations where others don’t like you.


[ictt-tweet-inline]A big misconception about pride is that it should be avoided.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Pride strengthens our identity.

Our society determines what we feel the emotion of pride about.

A caution:
Don’t get caught of in the great feelings of pride and get grandiose and forget why you did the good thing you did.

WEBSITE LINK: Emotion Lab and Dr Tracy’s work.

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Soul School – lesson 1

"Safe Neighborhood?" (creative commons photo by Josve05a Flickr)
(creative commons photo by Josve05a Flickr)

Here is something different.

It’s a short episode with a thought experiment, a kind of class in “soul school”.

Let me know what you think.

I’d like to intersperse short “lessons” with my typical interview episodes. I’ll do a few as a test and see where it goes.


Being a Follower: Leonard Sweet

I’m reading Leonard Sweet’s book “I am a Follower”.

It turns leadership on its head, which feels a bit ironical to have it as a textbook this 9 weeks in my Master of Arts in Christian Leadership course. But, then again, I didn’t expect to learn leadership ordinarily. We’re working from the ground up here. We aren’t learning to be bosses, we’re learning to be like Jesus, and influence others in the fashion of God’s Kingdom, not man’s (courtesy of the Sermon on the Mount, I might add)
It’s a challenging message for us.

Here are some noteworthy bits I’ve gleaned:

1. Jesus wasn’t looking for leaders…he was looking for followers. Instead of worrying about finding and keeping followers, we follow him.

2. The seduction to apply a secular business model has infected churches but has been a remarkable failure. Spiritual depth doesn’t come from this model. (Willow Creek’s self-assessment is an honest but damning example.)

3. God’s strength is made perfect in human weakness, and this will be illogical in a worldly model. God’s power is how we do well.

4. God will prune us, for our own good, so we may be more fruitful and glorify him more.

5. Strategy and planning common in many church models today can superseded the focus on the work of the Holy Spirit.

6. There is a going myth the technology and innovation are answers to our leadership and church problems.

7. God calls us to do something bigger than ourselves.

8. The Church’s obsession with leadership reflects our cultures values which usually center in ego and self-interest.

I will follow up with more from this intriguing and entertaining book. The man does not shy away from plays on word.

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