Soul School – Lesson 3

Soul School Lesson 3 – Infectious Hurried Syndrome

For the rest of the year Soul School a new Soul School episode will be released on Hump Day (Wednesday). If you enjoy this short episodes meant to increase mindfulness and soul care, let me know and I’ll continue them in 2016.

Have you have noticed how a whole day can go by and you were so hurried that it’s hard to remember what even happened in your day?

Soul School – Lesson 2


This is the second Soul School.

It’s a short episode with a few things to think about for the week. If you listen in let me know. If you have questions or suggestions, lay ’em on me.

Soul School – lesson 1

"Safe Neighborhood?" (creative commons photo by Josve05a Flickr)
(creative commons photo by Josve05a Flickr)

Here is something different.

It’s a short episode with a thought experiment, a kind of class in “soul school”.

Let me know what you think.

I’d like to intersperse short “lessons” with my typical interview episodes. I’ll do a few as a test and see where it goes.