What About Good Returns? [SSL 281]

In the end, pilgrimage is about homecoming

Today I wanted to reflect on good returns and the work of Fiona Koefoed Jaspersen (Ordinary Pilgrim)

“Many believe a pilgrimage is about going away but it isn’t; it is about coming home.” – L.M. Browning

You invited to connect and share at the companion page https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/138224464

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

Maybe you didn’t get my book yet but you want to?
Just click the book or google search the title.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books  here

• Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me offset my expenses and continue creating episodes.

Want to come along side me with support?
This kind of help makes a big difference. I am so grateful.

• And remember Patron supporters DO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89815177

Listeners like you make this work possible.

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Below Flux [SSL 280]

Sinking into the mysteries when the world is confounding

I’m glad you’re here.

It’s been a rough time in the world and a rough time away and transition back to the States from PR and I’ll fill you in a bit more at the extras page. https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/138083524

I read from Carl’s book today. To get a copy (I’m an Amazon affiliate) you can use this link. https://amzn.to/463Jy7v

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

Maybe you didn’t get my book yet but you want to?
Just click the book or google search the title.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books  here

• Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me continue.

Want to come along side me with support?
This kind of help makes a big difference. I am so grateful.

• And remember Patron supporters DO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89815177

Listeners like you make this work possible.

Here’s how to help out:

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes for the podcast.

Vespers: The Work of God [SSL 279]

My time with the Benedictine Order in Ponce, PR

Hello, there. Thanks for stopping by!

See photos of Abba Michael, Sister Sophia, the Motherhouse, Ponce,and more at the EXTRAS page for the episode. (UPDATE! I’m having tech issues uploading these photos. I will get them up as soon as I can. Please check back if you don’t see them.)
You can also sign up/subscribe (free and paid options).


I’m very happy to be featured by my publisher for Hispanic Heritage Month!
September 15-October 15, 2023. ❤️❤️❤️

The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

Maybe you didn’t get my book yet but you want to?
Just click the book.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books  here

⬇️Don’t forget how much your assistance is needed in PR.⬇️

To learn about the org, give, or volunteer, click the logo above.

• Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me continue.

Want to come along side me with support?
This kind of help makes a big difference. I am so grateful.

• And remember Patron supporters DO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89815177

Listeners like you make this work possible.

Here’s how to help out:

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes for the podcast.

A Pinch of Salt [SSL 278]

Sorting out the hungers and cleaning out the wounds

Hello! Here is your special invitation to go to the EXTRAS page for MUCH more.
You can also sign up/subscribe (free and paid options).

What’s there? you ask. A bunch of photos I haven’t posted to the public. News, updates written just for you. It’s a small group of people who follow along. Plenty of you contribute and help me and I am mighty grateful. (I guess that’s cowboy talk, but my feelings are indeed mighty.)

I have more to tell you. Find that here: https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/137384594

I’m very happy to be featured by my publisher for Hispanic Heritage Month!

Maybe you didn’t get my book yet but you want to?
Just click the book.

• You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books  here

⬇️Don’t forget how much your assistance is needed in PR.⬇️

To learn about the org, give, or volunteer, click the logo above.

• Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month to help me continue.

Want to come along side me with support?
This kind of help makes a big difference. I am so grateful.

• And remember Patron supporters DO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack extras! Start here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/89815177

Listeners like you make this work possible.

Here’s how to help out:

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes for the podcast.

Soft Spots and Heritage Month [SSL 277]

On commitments, celebrations, and liberations of the heart, heritrage, and greater good.

REMEMBER go to the substack page to sign up/subscribe. Then you get connected to people being celebrated which is coming Friday in a new post! https://sparkmymuse.substack.com/publish/post/136980099

Maybe you didn’t get my book yet but you want to? Just click the book.

You can find out about my publisher Broadleaf Books  here

⬇️Don’t forget how much your assistance is needed.⬇️

To learn about the org, give, or volunteer, click the logo above.

• Patron supporters chip-in a bit each month.

Want to come along side me and help?
This kind of support makes a big difference. Thank you.

• And Patron supporters DO get ALL ACCESS to the Substack extras! https://www.patreon.com/posts/89169591

Listeners like you make this work possible.

Here’s how to help out:

1. Share the program with another person today.

2. Leave a Rating/ Write a Review on iTunes for the podcast.