Tracking the new Evangelical interest in Christian Eastern Orthodox [SSL288]

One of the most influential people to bring the gifts of Eastern Orthodox Christianity into the view of the English speaking and Evangelical world is the topic today: Reverend and Bishop Kallistos Ware

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The logo of the Benedictine Order Initia Nova

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Prayers of the East [SSL 221]

Today, I bring you some prayers from the earliest of the Christian tradition. These are the churches that can trace their historic founding a to one of the apostles of Jesus

Get the book “Prayers from the East: Traditions of Eastern Christianity” (Edited by Richard Marsh) HERE

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Eps 59: Adam and John from The Deconstructionist Podcast

Thank you for visiting Spark My Muse!bestcake

This week is the celebration of 1 year of podcasting!
#weekofSPARKle (To party with us, you can search #weekofSPARKle on Twitter for contests, videos, and zaniness, and on eBay for some tasty and whacky auction/collector’s items.)

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Adam Narloch and John Williamson started a podcast and after just a few episodes, they had thousands of listeners–find out why. Our conversation is wide-ranging and fantastic!


MIN 1:30

The deep seated need to find a home to talk about uncomfortable issues of faith and doubt.


Talking about the Bible first and having a wide range of guests, worldviews, and topics.


A no debate policy


Asking “Is this a Christian podcast?”


Realizing audience and context


Tempted to lead double lives when you can’t ask questions.


The conservative Christian bubble and fear-based groups.


The difficulty of building our lives around mystery.

We aren’t saved through scripture.


All the ideals are mystery. Many concepts can’t be measured.


Metaphor and biblical metaphor and historical truth.

A return to mystery in science and faith that beautifully underpins reality.


Confirmation bias and protecting our identity.

CS Lewis – the Weight of Glory (and other essays) influenced Adam

A Grief Observed

Surprised by Joy  “temples building not built”

It’s about mercy

Francis Schaeffer

Catholic writers write about the spiritual dark night

God takes away our idols.


Greg Boyd

Benefit of the Doubt – making an idol out of certainty.

pleasure and threats in the brain


Why the Deconstructionist podcast is NOT part of the fringe and rather is orthodox, but won’t seem that way for too many.


Will Adam get fired?

We should not believe by proxy.


The church [has become] a box of puppies that licks each other” -Adam Narloch


How the Deconstructionist event went in a third space.

(music, art, camaraderie, coffee bar)


All are welcome but the Christian bubble is titanium.

• John’s Twitter

• Adam’s Twitter

The Deconstructionists Podcast (link)


3 Theologies of Christianity

This is one of the handouts I got at my weekend graduate residency. It’s a spreadsheet summary of the book by Justo Gonzalez. Christian Thought Revisited: Three Types of Theology. Nashville: Abington Press, 1989.

The first one listed won out in most Christian cultures historically: Transactional (TYPE A). We might even take this approach for granted, but there are reasons this flavor of Christianity took hold the most in Western culture. Power is the big reason. The other theologies haven’t been lost completely and are important to recognize. We see a reemergence worldwide of TYPE C (Incarnational), the oldest approach to Christian theology and the one geographically closest to Jerusalem. TYPE B (Transcendent) is most often seen in Eastern Orthodox Christian traditions.

After you read through it, share something.

The Three Theologies

Original Sin

How do you understand the notion of “Original Sin”?

If we suppose for just a few seconds, for argument’s sake, that the Garden of Eden story was left out of the Bible, what changes with some of our notions of Original Sin?

Thanks for your responses.