27 Things to Talk About At Thanksgiving Dinner


There’s no place like home for the holidays…

It can be fun, it can be World War III, or something in-between…but there’s no place like it!

I checked around and found out some people are counting on one thing to get them through Thanksgiving this year.

• Food? No.

• Gratefulness? No.

• Football? No.

• Shopping? No.

What then?

That’s right, the medicine that’s kept family feasting bearable since the dawn of time. Even cave-dwellers were digging up their stashes of mead before gathering with the clan around the family fire pit and feasting on wooly mammoth, or what-have-you.

Some families don’t drink alcohol, of course. This is no time for hair-splitting. You’ve come here for help. Scroll down for the resource!

For introverts holiday gatherings can be tedious, but it’s more than that. It seems that most of us are less used to conversing face-to-face. It’s a lost art. We get itchy so soon now to numb out or escape on smartphones, tv, and the computer and then time for connection is wasted. Or, the discomfort of connecting (or misconnecting) has us looking for the exits. I’ve been there!

Here’s the truth: When extended families get together there’s usually baggage, off-limit topics, old wounds, jealousies, and enough backstory to create torrents of anxiety. That’s the side of the holidays that doesn’t make it to the commercials.

No, it’s not always like this.
Sometimes it’s just family fun and favorite foods, and good times from start to finish, but that isn’t really the way things go typically. At the very least there’s the stress of the adding obligations and scheduling everything will wind things up.

Here’s some help!
Rather than zone out or make guests uncomfortable, which is also time-tested family tradition in many homes too, try these conversation starters as you feast and holiday! Recycle them for other days if you had fun with it, or think of some of your own. Don’t put pressure on anyone to play, but use this quick download as an excuse to to try something different.  It really doesn’t take much to upgrade your holiday.

You might want to implement a 2 hour technology fast. This seems like a great idea…then you do it and 20 minutes later your nerves start to fry. (That’s what I mean about a lost art!) This can help with that.

Feel free to view, download or print the file below.

Other tips:
• You might want to place a printed question under each plate, or into a hat to draw from. Feel free to have duplicate questions circulating too.

• A person can answer the question that they get or they can swap with a previous question (your house rules can be different–just have fun with it. The point is to have fun).

• Remember keep the whole thing chilled out and enjoyable.

Not sure how to start?

Just say, “Hey, everyone, I thought this year instead of just asking everyone what they are thankful for, I thought we could play a game while we eat!

• If it doesn’t work out, just blame the game. Easy-peasy.

Click here to read, download, and print.
(It’s also a good way to get your kids involved and keep them busy.)

27 Things to talk about:

(FILE) Tabletalkgame DOCUMENT

Have a Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

I’d love to hear how things went.

Let me know! and stop back to hear the audio podcast released twice per week.

Know someone who might need some holiday help?
Please share !





I reinvented my blog!

I’d love to know what you think.

I can help you too, if you think it’s time.

Sure you can check out my Professional Services page to see my capabilities and specials, but I want to do something special for you.

Something amazing.

For the next 2 Weeks, I’m offering Advice for 5¢.

Yep. 5¢.

Why not? It’s the holidays, and it’s a thrill to see new projects and help out.

So, if you need a creative consultation, marketing, fundraising, or social media help, a design critique of your website, a fresh pair of eyes on your project, some ideas or strategies for improvement on your product, service, or business, please let me know!

What problem are you experiencing right now?

This will be fun.
Use the Contact Me button to get in touch. I can’t wait to hear from you.

(You can also leave a comment in the comments section if you’d rather, so I can find you.)


This offer EXPIRES NOVEMBER 28, 2013. (On Thanksgiving Day I’m taking a work break.)
Let me know how I can help you!

Want to get the next Newsy Bit I send only to subscribers? About twice a month I send out a free download, a bit of news, or something you’ll like. Just sign up here to get in on that.

Thinking Class: Session 3

Here’s the third one.

Do you ever get the feeling that your work is useless and that no one will bother listening anyway? I confess, in the wake of so much going wrong with the leaders of the United States I’m more than a little depressed.

Thinking reasonably is in short supply, and yet I don’t suppose that teaching how to come to contentions and conclusions logically will actually be of much help in the world. Be that as it may, I still want to do the right thing and (potentially) expose others to learning what critical thinking and a reasoned argument is, in case they ever come in contact with one.

Yes, this is the Sasquatch of educational knowledge and intellectual integrity. Enjoy!

(Click to enlarge)


Want to read the others?

Cool, here you go!

Session 2

Session 1

Hey, just two more things, friends. Will you to pass it along? You can embed it at your site, or just share it on Pinterest or Facebook. (It’s free to share: a Creative Commons work).

And please join me regularly by getting email delivery or an RSS feed for new posts!


Find your Niche in 5 Minutes [VIDEO]

a niche

I made this video below because it’s hard to secure a niche.

Getting your writing starting or getting your business going requires that you identify your unique niche to do well. As you draw your distinctions, you stand out.

Most everybody agrees on that, but rare is the precise advice on how to make that happen.
No more.

I worked to create a method that is simple and quick.

Don’t continue in your business or writing pursuits without nailing down the perfect, and more importantly–the specific–niche for you. It’s crucial to help you promote what you are doing well. It’s important to gain the traction you need to really succeed. I have all the details to make drilling down a snap.

More more thing! The great part about HOW I worked this out for us…my “purple cow” as Seth Godin puts it…is the affiliate sharing program integrated in.

[I’m not going to mince words. It’s really generous. Most affiliate programs give you a 10% sharing reward. Mine is 50%. So, not only can you gain some useful knowledge by viewing the short Tututorial, at a very reasonable price, but once you share the video tutorial, you can reap a hefty 50% reward each time someone pays to watch it. Extra cash is good, right? Exactly.]

Below is the preview. (To be an affiliate partner, and help me spread the word and also line your pockets, follow the link button in the video screen to sign up at youreeeka.com.)

So here it is: The video!

To watch on YOUTUBE click HERE.

The preview gives you the method in basic terms. Downloadable Learning Materials (worksheets, see sidebar) are free once you pay to view the tutorial. They assure the success of the method!

Would you pay just $2.99 to nail down your niche in a few minutes? Trust me, it’s WORTH IT. (please pass along this article to anyone you know who’s a writer or who’s starting a business.

The password for the Free companion learning materials is shown the Tutorial. See what you think!

[FYI-This may not be viewable on a mobile device. Use link to access the video on my channel.]

Video followup: Moms Don’t Wait for that Book Deal

Last week in this post, I told you about some of the problems with blogging to get a book deal and the misconceptions that surround the industry of book publishing.

I mentioned that I would be speaking more about ways to make money writing that don’t include some of the typical stuff–like snagging a big book deal, freelance writing, or selling ads on your website. Below is the preview of the first installment–it’s in video form.

There will be much more and we’ll go into depth too.

This won’t be something to read or watch and then move on from. You’ll get to dive into your particular situation and find some answers!

In addition to video content and some related blog posts, I’ll be creating some speedy worksheet downloads that will help with the process.

Here’s a supplemental piece for this video! Is is Free? You bet.

View: worksheet


Now for the amazing part.

From the get-go you can make passive income from this series…Right now.

It’s 50/50 profit split.

Just watch the video below and embed it on your website. (twitter and Facebook shares work too)

Here’s the Affiliate link, to take part in the income portion. It only takes a moment to sign up.

This video is a PREVIEW to the introduction of the series. The first video goes into the 2 BIG RULES needed to  be successful as a writer on the side. Do you have to be a mom or a Christian to view it or use the advice?

Nope. That’s just my niche for this endeavor.

Start by watching the preview. For less than a taco to can see the first video in what will be a super helpful series. Then, if you want to be part of the profits, embed it on your website. Only TWO people have to view it for you to make your money back. (That’s the beauty of a 50/50 split!)

Then passive income starts rolling in for you. Sweet, right?

(These will not be available on YOUTUBE. So, come back soon.)


Once you watch the video, think about the two rules as they relate to you and write down YOUR answers. Feel free to share them here too, if that gives you a boost. If you link to your website, we’ll visit.