Give and Take [ssl 323]

The Challenge of October is Ownership and the Theme for the Quarter is Give and Take. Here’s how we begin to explore and learn from each other.

It’s the final quarter of 2024 and it’s time we link arms and join forces to enrich each other spiritually in more concrete ways. 

I’ve set up a challenge.
It’s not very strenuous, but it’s a way to get us thinking, dialoguing, and moving toward better ways of being. Please, be a part of it. I explain that in the audio today.

❇️ The October Challenge Patreon post I refer to can be found here ⬇️

Befriending Ourselves | Sacred Pulse: April Fiet [SSL 228]

Today I’m featuring the work of April Fiet.

Book link: Video of book club discussion mentioned in the epsiode:

Check out the current SPARK MY MUSE ❤️ care project ❤️ at the go-fund-me page. Please contribute what you can.

Photos, updates, and further details can be found when you support my work. Find those extras at the links below:

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Sunday Evenings, 7pm ET Join us to read and discuss my book together, The Wild Land Within

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Any gifts of $10 and more are very appreciated. Thank you. ❤️ • VENMO: •

Kindness is Potent [SSL127]

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Links and extras for this episode can be found by clicking here.

THERE WILL BE NO $1 access fee this week.

(This small fee helps covers a tiny portion of production costs to create and produce this weekly program. Your support of any kind is deeply appreciated.)

Thank you for helping with a one-time gift, if you would like to support my work today.

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• I’m very grateful for your additional help in these two ways:

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Eps 136: Following Our Discomfort for Insights, guest Mark Nepo

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of
Spark My Muse.
Guest Episode 136

Today, my guest is Mark Nepo. 

There’s more information about this episode. Find it HERE.

Listen now with the

If you enjoyed this episode you might also like the one I did with Krista Tippett. Find that here.

• If you’ve enjoyed the Spark My Muse program and you want to help support it, use the button below to give a gift:

• You can also be a Spark My Muse hero/helper in these two ways:

1. Share the program with another person today.
2. Leave a Rating / Write a Review on iTunes HERE.

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Time and the Violation of Values (SSL 66)


This is Soul School Lesson 66 (SSL 66)

Why Rich or Powerful People Act Beastly, and So Will You.

The social psychology studies on this revealed surprising answers that can help us find, and keep our way! (scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER)

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[ictt-tweet-blockquote]I found an audio episode at Spark My Muse on power and corruption-I think you should check it out![/ictt-tweet-blockquote]

Welcome to Spark My Muse!


Soul School Lessons OR Guest conversations
 are released each Wednesday
(that is on aka “Hump Day” or Midweek).

• On FRIDAYS, I feature occasional  BONUS episodes. 

Please enjoy the program.
If you’d like to give a gift to help the show, you can use the PayPal button below.
Thank you.



Today the show notes will connect you to the scientific studies mentioned in the episode.

(Just $1 per gets you these Show Notes, AND the rest of the Show Notes for the whole calendar month-FREE. ! PLUS a coupon for $3 off the clothing below.)



CLICK FOR INFO - ends JANUARY 12, 2017.

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