Soul School-Lesson 57: The Prisoner Prayer

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Today on Soul School I am sharing a version of a presentation on prayer that I gave to the inmates at Federal Prison FCI Schuylkill who (voluntarily) attend ongoing LIFE Ministry (Christian) classes.

My book on prayer is called LIFE AS PRAYER:

My book was inspired by Brother Lawrence and this book:

The Letters of Brother Lawrence

Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the greatest secret of living in the kingdom of God while serving as a brother in a monastery near Paris. For Lawrence his life was involved the art of “practicing the presence of God in one single act that does not end.” Lawerence often stated that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our soul. We must only open our hearts to receive God and God’s loving presence. For nearly 300 years this unparalleled classic (which is mainly a collection of letters from him and remembrances of him) has given both blessing and instruction to those who can be content with nothing less than knowing God presence in all God’s majesty and feeling God’s loving presence throughout each simple day.

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Eps 85: Catacombic Freestyling with Swede Josef Gustafsson

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My guest today is a Swede!
Josef Gustafson.




Original Podcast Freestyle Christianity

Background… interests and the journey to create a podcast.

EXPLAIN Catacombic Theologian /

A desiring theology of becoming.

MIN 3:00 Education and a distaste for academia and models and formulas created there.


Explaining the name “freestyle Christianity”

experimental and a space that is open and with no doorkeepers.

And giving up the name


7:30 Religious background in childhood and how that’s changed

YWAM (Youth With a Mission)

10:00 Reading apologetic and learning about the boogie men of Evangelicals

Philosophy and Theologian as neighbors and a matter paychecks


Catacombic Theology explained in brief

asking to explain in old categories

Henri Berson

Taught to answer specific questions to guide our search for truth…. we should be shaping the questions.

We confuse the less with the more.


Why is there always something NEW?


• [Society] becomes oppressive because eventually the powerful decide the categories.

Sacrifice and squeezing in other groups into a form that wasn’t ever might for them and oppressive.

19:00 Cathedrals – catacombs in the basement. It may not reflect truth. It reflects what is being preached.

Re-present what we think is the truth. Not trying to re-present something.

Our theology (our cathedrals represent the people who built it.). We build boards (whether we see them or not and they function in an exclusive fashion.

The proclamation the church made that the spirit doesn’t move outside the Father or Son and the Son is found in the Church. (inside)

In theology, difference is looked at as if is presupposes opposition.

But it’s the other way around, opposition presupposes difference.



EXAMPLE: the Internet and new categories .

The Pope follows no one back on Twitter, because an old institution is misunderstanding a new  category of communication.


How do the people of the Church gather in a way that works?

PETE ROLLINS episode & pints and parable


Twitter democratizes people and strips off labels of an old (pre digital) world.

New hierarchies are being created online where added a meaningful contribution makes you an important member.

Humans continue to have the same desire to connect (in-person) and gather.

Peter Rollin’s WAKE festival

The challenge of being present when you gather in person.


Church of Sweden


The growth of Pentecostalism worldwide.


Hillsong Church in Sweden drawing young people


Americanizes version of Christianity on the continent of Africa

40:00 Where the podcast is going.

Challenge themselves creativity but living in the algorithms that keep you in an echo chamber.

Bringing on guests that make subscribers uncomfortable.

Collaboration on iTunes


Catherine Keller theologian the dark and the light find what we can’t see in the light.


Be prepared to be unprepared for the novel and the new for that which will rupture our understand about what it truth and what is good.

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Eps: 83 Ryan J. Bell and Life After God

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
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Today, my guest is a follow podcaster and blogger Ryan J. Bell. Ryan came into some notoriety when he, as a Seventh Day Adventist Pastor, decided to blog about living a year without God and he gained a large following as a columnist on Huffington Press as well. What happened next and what he’s up to now makes for an interesting story. Listen in.


MIN 1:00
Ryan’s blog: (The Blog)

A year without God at


About Ryan’s religious background, education, and pastoral experience.

humanities studies

7th Day Adventist explained in brief

Restorationist movement mid 19th Century

some Methodist and Deist roots.

• Stone Campbell 

• Churches of Christ (similar off shoot)

prophetic interpretation and end times predictions

lost truths that mainstream Christianity left behind.

MIN 6:00

He started reading theology that differed from the framework he came from. It was less restrictive and exclusive toward others.


Atheism and the blog “A Year Without God” started in January 2013

9 month break,

Spiritual but not religious, American, individualism version of spiritual experience:  “Everybody is having their own private isolated experience of wonder.”

Religion for Atheists – Alain de Botton

He submitted his idea of “middle space–between belief and non belief” for the Huffington Post Religion Page and it was very popular.


People approached him because they didn’t have anyone to talk to about their doubts and questions.

Space for dark spots of doubt.


Do you hang on to any spiritual practices or vestiges of your old life?

Coming to a centered place in the now and in focused and non judgmental way and noticing feelings.


What have you done with “The Big Other” and the baggage from your upbringing?

Do you have gratitude toward the Big Other, or how is it expressed?

Not locating a destination for his gratitude.


Morality of an atheist. Being good for goodness sake.

A bottom up thinker


Draw to Judaism because it had created a theology around a community not a community out of a theology.

Judaism: Built around love, work, sex, food–the whole life lived.

Norms and wrong & right


Why he started the Life After God podcast

The response to the question:

“How do we community, both online and in person, in both groups and one-on-one, ….to help people around their changing viewpoints.”

Dealing with the challenges and life issues after a life where people stop believing in God.


A community of revolt coheres poorly. -Lisa

Atheists that move into Humanism (a secular moral philosophy to guide life)


• Jennifer Michael Hecht – A LOVE FEST SEGMENT-

Jennifer’s episode on Spark My Muse:

Poetic Atheism (as opposed to what Ryan called “Vulcan Atheism” -a logical-focused (MR. SPOCK from Star Trek) approach to the world)

Denying our humanity by letting beauty shape our decisions at times.

When we deny those things that give us beauty and awe, we are repressing, fighting or resisting the idea that we are deeply emotional creatures.

DOUBT (the book)

40:00 What is “soul” – emotional seat in our brains.

Religious words and language. Words can hold larger meanings.

Tad DeLay (Our conversation)

Outside of religious contexts:
• Soul – can mean awareness

• Spiritual – can mean aliveness -Lisa

Part of the human experience is beyond words so we have to use what we have available in bigger ways. -Lisa

Jennifer gives permission to have a deeper (and more artistic) appreciation and ways for living.


Life After God- the Ex-files

We are storytelling creatures and isolation is dangerous for people.

Post religious and post-theistic communities and progressive communities have a exciting times ahead.

Greta Vesper (episode link)

Sunday Assembly and Oasis meet up.

We need to be challenged and comforted regularly.


Curiosity about life and learning


Asking questions

Power systems (or any one who’s trying to sell something) have something to lose if you ask questions because threats to disturb the status quo.


Brian Peck

My Life After God – Insta-journalism


Trying to understand why atheism is attractive to people and why people lose their faith/belief

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Eps 82: Becoming Wise, my conversation with special guest, Krista Tippett

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Today, my guest is Krista Tippett.kristatippet
Krista is a Peabody Award-winning broadcaster and New York Times bestselling author. She is the host of On Being, a radio show and podcast distributed to more than 400 stations across the country, a program which often ranks among the top 50 podcasts on iTunes. Krista is the author of several books, including, Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living, published in April, 2016.

In 2014, she was awarded the National Humanities Medal at a special ceremony at the White House, and honored by President Barack Obama for “thoughtfully delving into the mysteries of human existence. On the air and in print, Ms. Tippett avoids easy answers, embracing complexity and inviting people of every background to join her conversation about faith, ethics, and moral wisdom.”

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The twist on the question Krista usually asks her guests.

Silvia Borstien

Our children are watching us more than they are listening to us

Learning to not see people with distinctions and to not see people difference.

MIN 5:30

Nostalgic and loving view of religion of the grandfather. Hymns


Her own spiritual practice

Karen Armstrong – my work is my prayer

Krista writing a prayer, bare bones liturgy, gratitude,

“I don’t know what I mean when I say I pray, but there is something essential and grounding about having this as part of my life.”

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Prayer is also an orientation to mystery. My prayer now has very little to do with asking for things. via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 12:00

Going to Divinity School in the 1990s and the life of the mind and keeping the eyes of a journalist on the world. The important issues of theology and human life were discussions that were missing in public life.

MIN 16:00

Religion, politics, and values

MIN 19:30

The puzzle about human beings and doing “what we ought”, and power, agency, and will and choice, and being people of integrity that need cultivation and our need for each other.

MIN 21:30

We can value that we have the knowledge that we know what’s right and we can learn to get companion for ourselves.

MIN 23:00

Does one need to suffer to become wise?

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Suffering is not optional. via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Suffering offers rich ground for becoming more wise but it can take generations. via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 24:30

Krista on her own depression and how it deepened her wisdom.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Suffering is seedbed of wisdom but not the only seedbed of wisdom. via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 26:00

Hefty wisdom and also the kind of wisdom children possess.

MIN 28:00

How have the wisest people you’ve spoken to continued to learn and grow in wisdom?

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Wise people find a way to stay soft in the face of what ever life will present next.via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]This lessens the suffering.

MIN 30:00

Hope is borne of struggle

A toughness and courage

MIN 32:00

The connection of Empathy and Wisdom and how it’s embodied.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Wisdom is a quality of presence. via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]If we walk through our sufferings and losses desiring to learn from them and to grow and deepen, empathy is a natural effect. via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 35:00

The most foolish people get all the attention.

As a culture we seem to be growing distance from each other and less empathic–what can be done?

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]Fear is an empathy killer. via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]

We can become paralyzed and think we can’t do anything.

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]If many of us could take up the calling to be ‘calmers of fear’ and really close to home. via @kristatippett[/ictt-tweet-inline]

[ictt-tweet-inline via=””]We really need to be leaning into the better angels of our nature to stand up to the challenges of the 21st century together in common life.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

MIN 39:00

We are talking about work that is stitching a new fabric of common life that has to start at a very personal level.

Being a non-anxious presence for others

MIN 41:00

We are not taught to be a non anxious presence as powerful people or to be powerful this way and we need more postures in our common spaces; and it won’t feel intuitive.

MIN 43:00

Human drama will remain after the (2016) election and we have to be equipping our selves to reckon with that and be present to that.

MIN 44:00

Krista answering the “so what” question for herself in public life and presence in the world and moving away for being the On Being organizational direction.

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Eps 80: Exploring Pride, Confidence, and Success, Guest Dr. Jessica Tracy

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Even though listening twice a week is free, making Spark My Muse costs money out of my own pocket to create, produce, and host online–and takes 25-30 hours of tears and toil per week too. Listeners, like you, give to support the show. LISTENERS make the BIG difference – Thank you for helping, too!

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Today’s guest is Dr Jessica Tracy, the leading expert on the emotion of pride. Jess is a Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia and a Canadian Institute for Health Research New Investigator. Her work is currently supported by a Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant. She is an Associate Editor at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Interpersonal Relationships and Group Processes. 


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Show Notes:


There are 2 kinds of Pride.

Dr Tracy’s new book on the topic.

The distinction between emotions and how pride is expressed.

Universal expressions of pride in humans around the world.


Both kinds of pride lead to power–both different kinds.

A self evaluation is needed for the emotion of pride.

Amy Cuddy’s book Presence

(Power poses produce certain chemicals that help us succeed.)

MIN 7:00


A gobal negative sense of self.

Pride and shame body expression in congenitally blind athletes.


Dr Tracy became interested in studying more complexed emotions. Paul Ekman showed that 6 distinct emotions were recognized all over the world (1960s) and determined through facial expressions. Similarly pride was determined to be an emotion due to bodily expressions.

MIN 13:30

Do other primates have expressions of pride and what is it like?

MIN 17:00

Humans notice high status expressions in pride body language.


Dominance and Prestige both work to get power.

Dominance and success.

Types of tasks and types of leaders and types of pride.


Avoiding the wrong kind of pride.

Authentic pride is a huge motivator.

MIN 25:30

Looking for praise (which can lead to bragging) for the feelings of pride instead seeing the accomplishments for the sense of pride.

Social costs to hubristic pride ( which gets you power or status) but creates situations where others don’t like you.


[ictt-tweet-inline]A big misconception about pride is that it should be avoided.[/ictt-tweet-inline]

Pride strengthens our identity.

Our society determines what we feel the emotion of pride about.

A caution:
Don’t get caught of in the great feelings of pride and get grandiose and forget why you did the good thing you did.

WEBSITE LINK: Emotion Lab and Dr Tracy’s work.

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