Eps 105: If Relational Boundaries Aren’t Porous, We Can Die Early, says guest Dr. Amy Banks MD

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Amy Banks, M.D., was an instructor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and is now the director of Advanced Training at the Jean Baker Miller Training Institute at the Wellesley Centers for Women. She has a private practice in Lexington, Massachusetts, which specializes in relational psychopharmacology and therapy for people who suffer from chronic disconnection.

(The featured image of two women talking is a Creative Commons image taken by Tina Leggio.)

For more information, important LINKS (like the FREE Relationship Assessment tool, websites, etc.), and detailed notes from the show, click here!

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Eps 99: Guest Dr David Dark, Culture is Religion: We become what we love

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Audio episodes feature guest interviews, “Soul School Lessons”, or other types of programing.
• sometimes BONUS episodes are released on FRIDAYS.

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Today my guest is Dr David Dark. He’s a talented writer of a number of books (see Show Notes for a list and links of those, plus many other links to people mentioned). David teaches at the Tennessee Prison for Women and Belmont University where he is assistant professor of Religion and the Arts in the College of Theology.

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SHOW NOTES and Access Pass

to Episode 99, with David. It’s jam-packed!

The Access Pass will also unlock all previous episode Show Notes and include all episodes of March 2017, too.

Show Notes are time-stamped details of the audio with resources for your reference, extra enjoyment, and use.  They include important information and links to people, websites, books, articles mentioned, and other related episodes, other information, and resources so you can dig deeper or learn more. Super cool. Cost is just $1 per month and you can cancel anytime.


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Conversing with Fear and Desire [SSL69]

Another Wednesday Audio delivery!

This is Soul School Lesson 69 (SSL 69)

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Today the show notes will give you details about Atheism for Lent and other info mentioned in the show.  PLUS all past SHOW NOTES and SHOW NOTES for February 2017.
(Fear feature photo by Noemî Galera)

(It’s just $1 -monthly- cancel any time.)



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Eps 98: Eric Zimmer (One You Feed, Host) MOTIVATION for Lasting Life Changes

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Audio is released each Wednesday.

Audio features guest interviews, “Soul School Lessons”, or other types of programing.
• sometimes BONUS episodes are released on FRIDAYS.

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THANK YOU so much.

Today a have on a return guest, Eric Zimmer, the host of the acclaimed program “The One You Feed podcast”. Eric has conversed with some of the world’s most recognized and wise luminaries, scientists, and teachers of our times. Eric’s own story of recovery and life change is remarkable and he coaches people all over the world toward lasting behavior change and is often invited to speak on the topic.


• Click here for the

SHOW NOTES Access Pass

to Episode 98, with Eric. The Access Pass will also unlock all previous episode Show Notes and include all episodes of February 2017.

Show Notes are time-stamped details of the audio with resources for your reference, extra enjoyment, and use.  They include important information and links to people, websites, books, articles mentioned, and other related episodes, other information, and resources so you can dig deeper or learn more. Super cool. Cost is $1 per month and you can cancel anytime.


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Opinions and Confirmations, [SSL68]

Another Wednesday Audio delivery!

This is Soul School Lesson 68 (SSL 68)

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Click HERE for your SHOW NOTES monthly ACCESS PASS.

Today the show notes will connect you to the poem, the information link to Gerard Manley Hopkins (photo above), and related episodes and information, PLUS all past SHOW NOTES and SHOW NOTES for February 2017.
(Shouting in the Storm feature photo by Raul Lieberwirth)

(It’s just $1 -monthly- cancel any time.)



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