Has Life Ever Felt NOT Real? [SSL 309]

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Eps 119: “Honey and Onions” [Insights for Idealists] Guest, Alessandra Pigni

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery of Spark My Muse.

Scroll down for the AUDIO PLAYER to listen.

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Today’s guest is Alessandra Pigni. (pronounced: péen – yee)
She will be joining me and the rest of the group selected for the On Being Gathering in February, 2018.

Her book is entitled:
Idealist’s Survival Kit, The: 75 Ways to Prevent Burnout
(The book is published by Parallax Press which is the publisher founded by mindfulness teacher, peace activist, and Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Han.)

Listen now with the

More information, featured material, and EXTRAS for this episode are FREE (to the public) 10 days after release and immediately to those who support this work. Support the show, and get ACCESS everything nowCLICK HERE to unlock.

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Eps 117: To Love Ourselves As We Are: Guest, Hillary McBride

It’s time for another Wednesday audio delivery  of Spark My Muse.

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 You can be a Spark My Muse hero in these two ways:
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Eps 84: Recovering Your Mental Health, guest Michael Weinberger

Welcome to Spark My Muse!

• Each FRIDAY, guests join me in a conversation.
• Come back each Wednesday
(on “Hump Day” aka Midweek) for a brief Soul School “lesson”–something for your interior world and common life.


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October is Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s hard sometimes to realize that our brain can become ill, just like any other part of our body. Sometimes the condition is lifelong and other times we can mitigate the problems with certain treatments. Today, my guest, Michael Weinberger, shares his story of struggle and recovery that I think will surprise and inspire you.




The misdiagnosis


The downward spiral, drinking and over eating and taking medicine wrongly, and over working.

MIN 7:30

Overdosing and hospitalization.

MIN 9:00

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and 12 step strategy brought the most relief.

(CBT) uses the theory that Thoughts precede Feelings which Precede Behaviors. The goal is to change beliefs.

11:00 The primary focus is 12 Step Recovery is addiction. You only have control over yourself. Humility and acceptance are key to success.

Mindfulness to deal with depression and anxiety that leads to emotional over or under engagement and reactions leading to negative outcomes.

Compassion for self and others.

All the methods and modalities need to be integrated into life.

MIN 13:00

Dr Denise Brooks

“Your diagnosis doesn’t matter.” (Manage your symptoms; Don’t blame the illness.)

MIN 14:30

Thinking of negative thoughts differently

MIN 15:00

Owning up to thoughts and feelings.

But not being ashamed and (also) getting some distance.

MIN 15:30

“Now, I witness my diagnosis responding to situations”

MIN 17:00

DBI (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)

Noticing the triggers create reactive states. (Notice the internal dialog to self and others and stopping repeat conversations.)

The treatments rewire your brain and get you unstuck and lessen stress.

MIN 20:00

Our human emotions are outnumbers by negative emotions so we have to practice gratitude to even things out.

MIN 22:00

The app Michael created called A Plan For Living.

The Happiness Formula:

Gratitude + Spirituality + Mindfulness = Awareness 

(Awareness = Happiness)

Seeing the world differently and being present.

MIN  34:00

Being prepared for war or thinking lovingly toward people in the first place.

MIN 35:00

Examining thoughts and making the process easier in real life through technology.

Measures progress

 • WEBSITE – a plan for living.com

• email: mweinberger@aplanforliving.com

• TWITTER: @aplanforliving

Available at the Play store and App Store

MIN 40:00

Reminders, medication reminders, micro goals for each day, track food, and challenge friends.

Staying in tune with how you are feeling and social sharing and emailing.

Please enjoy other episodes:

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Soul School – Lesson 23: Using Fertile Soil for Your Own Rebirth

Welcome to Soul School.

All of us have gone through “crap” in life, but not all of us think of that experience as fertilizer with the nutrients necessary for the seeds of new life.

Be sure to get in on PART II after you listen to the Soul School LESSON today. Scroll below for the link and become part of the support community for Spark My Muse.


Watch the video lesson of Lesson 23 and get the companion worksheet that will help you in the gardening process for new life and rebirth in your life. (aka Varsity Club)


If you appreciate what you hear today or at any time here, if you enjoy or benefit from anything here at all, please remember that just a few dollars from you helps a lot to keep the Spark audio show going.

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