The Religion of Liberation

(Dura Europos - Fresco from 2nd C Synagogue Jews cross the Red Sea pursued by Pharaoh.)
(Dura Europos – Fresco from 2nd C Synagogue Jews cross the Red Sea pursued by Pharaoh.)


The Jewish people have a big event, a central story, that encapsulates what the Jewish (and Judeo-Christian) faith is about:

Crossing a sea: Crossing from slavery to LIBERATION

“Let my people go!”

This is the cry of (the Jewish) God, the Living God, through Moses; and it’s really the cry of freedom in every human heart.

So what do we want to be liberated from?


Yes, of course.

…and oppression takes many forms.

But, we tend to also want liberation from authority…and that’s not what God has in mind. That misses the mark and produces precarious results.

In fact, the best liberation we can have is one that happens internally.

Our heart is liberated from sin and death and then we receive peace and life.

This is no marginal quality of our faith tradition. Liberation is found not in fleeing something (or someone) but in returning.

A homecoming. A reception by the Father for the children he loves.
Liberation must always be about fleeing to someone
(the One).

…and that someone isn’t just another warden in a different prison, but One who wants our peace to be fully realized.

It’s about community identity and belonging.
Each brings freedom and saves us from ourselves.


Sometimes we suppose liberation means freedom to act autonomously and unilaterally for our own interests.
True liberation is the antithesis of that.

When I consider, in this very moment, what I hope to be liberated from in my own life, it seems to concern being free from believing lies. Lies about myself, others, and any sorts of ignoble things that imprison my future in a jailhouse of smallness.

A confined place that is missing the grandeur of what it means to be a sentient being enjoying the majesty of creation that a benevolent incomprehendable Being has fashioned.

Dispatch from Prison (Ministry): how to inject HOPE

inmatereading   Again, last night I heard from a man about my age whose been locked up for more than 20 years. Plenty of the men I encounter have spent more time behind bars than outside them.

PLEASE, try to imagine that for a moment.

  Want the truth? For some, the thought of going back “to the streets” as they call it, fills them with true dread and anxiety. The world outside of prison is full of unknowns and it’s absent of structure (like 3 meals a day, concrete expectations, and consistent scheduling). There are hazards and temptations, and of course, a bleak outlook employment for future employment. They have little or no ways for doing legitimate work. (Would YOU hire a felon?) Some inmates are so fearful of the outside and paralyzed by their prospects that they will purposefully break rules, hurt others, or commit crimes in prison to lengthen their sentence.

Imagine picking to be in prison rather that choosing to start over anew in freedom.

It seems insane, perhaps, until you realize the terrific poignancy:

Captivity is primarily is located in the mind.

This is just as true for non felons. • Too many of us walk around is prisons of our own making.  We see closed doors instead of open ones. We let our past tell us a story about ourselves that can continue to enact. We feel trapped or confined with no way to truly free ourselves. We stay oppressed by sin, soul sickness, and slow forms of dying.

We all need healing to find the fruition of Justice.

True justice involves restoration and rehabilitation for re-entry into community and renewed relationships.

Even the Federal Government realizes this. Prisoners need to prepare ahead of time for release and transform their ways of thinking and doing things. New programs have launched that focus on acquiring skills and tools for successful re-entry into communities were a return to crime and old ways becomes less probable. Building more prisons isn’t working. Many of these re-entry programs focus on drawing from a deeper spiritual place and making choices based on the highest of morals to ensure that the best outcomes are the result. They rely on volunteers to help. Amazing that more resources aren’t carved out for something so important, huh? As a volunteer, I’m working multiple times per week teaching and guiding inmates to prepare them for their eventual release.

But God has put something else on my heart.

• I want my brothers behind bars to be missionaries to fellow-inmates. • I want them to be lights in that dark place.   • I want them to pray for others and be sources of support and encouragement. • I want them to be vehicles of God’s love and rays of hope for everyone they encounter. Last night, I told them out loud. As I shared my vision with them, the excitement was palpable. They started smiling. They nodded in agreement. Some laughed because they had been thinking the same thing. God has been at work long before I showed up. They want to be a part of what God is doing. They want to be a part of something bigger in the family of God, now, and in the Kingdom of God past, present, and future. It’s a kingdom that was inaugurated fully with Jesus the King more than 2,000 years. It’s a Kingdom that will continue, as is has all over the world, all the way into eternity. Forever and ever, Amen.

In sharing a vision, where others can use their gifts and talents for a greater purpose, we inject meaning and hope. What power that has!

These men are men who are having their hope renewed.

Would you like to help?

Click here to learn more or volunteer. Click here to help me continue this ministry.

This temple Site pre-dates civilization, itself

220px-GobeklitepeHeykelAs promised, I’m giving you a summary of the Wesley Forum I attended on April 7.

Lecturer Dr Ben Witherington focused his 3 lectures on The Imago Dei (Image of God)

The 1st session had to do with the Imago Dei seen through archeology.

He spoke about the huge dig at a high place found in Turkey, in 1993, called Gobeckli (click for amazing National Geographic photos and info).

This is probably one of the most significant discoveries since the Rosetta Stone–and I hadn’t even heard of it. Have you?

It invalidates the typical (secular) ideas of how religious and spiritual life emerged among humans.




Social Anthropologists have, until now, thought that religion came after people began farming and wanted to gain control of their unpredictable environment.

It worked like this…so they thought…

• Human stumbles on a new kind of mutated wheat that be more easily harvested.

• They kept the seeds and settled in areas to raise crops.

• They struggled against the harsh elements and began to think of wind, sun, rain, etc as superpowers (i.e. gods)…(superstitious folks).

• They tried to please and apprise the gods to gain better circumstances…and…

• Boom…religion.

You’ve heard this theory before, right?


To Witherington, this recent discovery shows that the need to reconcile with the divine is part of the human experience, not an invention that came at the advent of the agricultural age.

The religion of these high places helped begin civilization, not the other way around.


The oldest part of the Gobeckli site is dated to 10,000-12,000 years ago and is the oldest temple ever found in the world.

That’s old…but how old?

Wrap your brain around this!

It was created before people were living in villages, farming, and before they had domesticated any animals (sheep, dogs, cattle, etc).

People were wandering, gathering, hunting, and trying to connect to the divine…the whole time.

As the highest point in the region and situated between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, I can’t help but wonder if Cain and Able used this very place. It could be just east of Eden. (LD)

Now, think of the age of this place this way:

The site dates to about 6,000 years before the Great Pyramids were created. It’s a time that precedes writing, by thousands of years.

And yes, it’s pre-Noah and the flood.

Giant monoliths, the largest weighing about 50 tons (¡ yikes !), depict a host of detailed carvings of animals. There are  also some stylized carvings of people dressed in priestly vestments. Even more tremendous are the enormous erected stones which have holes drilled into them to tie up animals.

But, remember this is a pre-bronze age. Pre-iron age.

How long did it take to make a hole such as this in this rock with just another rock?

These structures are made in a sophisticated fashion. Cave people were smarter than we assume.

It’s astonishing.




But there are not just 1 of these 30 m. circles with 13 massive stones …they have found 17 of them.

Each takes about 3 years to unearth. (Things are just starting to get interesting! In 50 years they still will not be finish. Much more surprises could be in store.)

Here’s the wikipeda article about the site.

According to archeologists on the dig, the site was eventually backfilled (purposefully) at a point in human development when villages were being established. It seems that local temples were used at that point.


NOTE: (Witherington believes they were not backfilled purposefully, but that the flood (in Noah’s time) moved sand up to the place from the Tigris River. I, personally, think that the flood would have ruined them and that they were indeed backfilled purposefully [for what specific reason, I don’t know]. To me, this burying is what preserved them so well so we could now find them intact. It’s a crazy amount of work to do such a thing, and I don’t know how they could, but the whole site baffles our understanding, so I haven’t ruled it out.)


Dr Witherington concludes that because of the image of God within us, we desire to commune with God (or gods). We always have.

All the ancient people groups had 3 things:

1. Temples

2. Priests

3. Sacrifices


I will elaborate more on the lectures in the next post and include some of my notes from the other 2 sessions.



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Pain and Purchasing?

Here’s an except from my newest resource


What’s bringing you pain?

Do you feel disconnected?

Do you feel stuck?


Maybe your new book isn’t climbing the charts like you hoped

Maybe your prayer group or ministry effort has dwindling interest

Maybe your artwork or music isn’t creating interest

Maybe your business idea is stagnating

Maybe your blog isn’t making a difference…


People want to have freedom from pain.

Are you providing that?


Are you truly communicating this benefit in what you offer?


Maybe it’s because Lent is here, but I’m ruminating how the pain points in my life. I’m stripping away what is unhelpful or unnecessary. I also want to help people to struggle less as they get their message out.

In that spirit, I compiled the most helpful things I’ve learned through helping people with online communication and integrated, inbound marketing over the last 7 years. I’ve featured the top 20 free tools and the tactics to use them well.  This knowledge and the practical strategy to implement it will make it easy to solve problems at lot of us have.

It’s the Pro tool you deserve to jump-start what you’re up to.

There is no price listed for it. Simply pay what you feel it is worth.


Sometimes the pain point is simply uncomfortable, uncharted territory.


For future resource added to the Jump-Starter Kit click here.
Or click on the image for the Info Page.

On Using Better Words – 5 Tips

If you are using some of these words, you may want to rethink your profile bios on Facebook, Twitter, and the rest.

Avoid being hackneyed. Freshen. Liven it up.

Here are my FIVE Tips and a cool slide share I found on overused words.
May you really enjoy it!

1. Show the real you. (Are you fun, classy, funny, nerdy, crafty? Let it show in your bio.)

2. Be memorable. (Stand out in a good way. Be the highlight of someone’s day.)

3. Reverse-engineer what someone else is doing well and add your twist.

4. Limit the Obvious (It’s just dull.)

5. Remember your Target (Who are you hoping reads it? Speak to them, first.)


(So, you have to be responsible to not use the buzzword responsible. Got it.)
I hope you are glad you stopped by. Keep in touch…contact me to say hi, or linkup for future updates!