Eps 67: Science Mike McHargue – Spiritual Skeptic

I’m so happy to have on one of my very favorite podcasters, Mike McHargue. Mike is a joy to speak to and brings grace and insights to his show and I know you’ll enjoy our conversation.

The show notes today are stuffed full of links to everything we mention in the episode. Check it out below! Support what I’m doing, if you can, by listening to other episodes, sharing this show, or chipping in as a supporter with a dollar or more. (scroll to the bottom for all of that too.) 


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Science Mike McHargue:

new book: Finding God in the Waves

Intro 1:00

Finding God in the Waves

coming September 13 (2016)

Starting with the Liturgists podcast

on art, faith, and science

Ask Science Mike off shoot


Questions are okay.


Being aware of ignorance – not to be mistaken for humility.


“Understanding the mechanism behind a miracle doesn’t make it any less miraculous.”

Art is like this too.

Richard Feynman

Carl Sagan

these scientists appreciated the arts and mystery.


Seeing the Divine.

And understanding and appreciation he Trinity. Father, Son, Spirit

Celtics and Eastern Orthodox. Philokalia

Catholic Mystics


Who he’s reading. Richard Rohr, Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating.

Christianity is Eastern religion.


The great Schism 1,000 AD

dogma and chrisma

Karen Armstrong – The History of God.

Making meaning of the world and avoiding magical thinking.


Superstition is anti – science

Processing reality using language is what humans do.

T.M. Lurhmann with Stanford. “When God Talks Back” religious communities.

psych absorption test. thinking God is responsive in prayer.

The more you pray the more likely you will have these experiences.

Genetically primed to “hear” from God and environmental factors and disciplines. It helps us be better in the world.

Tanya Lurhman on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross March 26, 2012-


Anthropologist and charismatic experience is easily replicable. Is the brain an antenna?

Deeply materialist views of the world disturb people.


Does Mike have haters?

At LIVE events there is a lot of love even among people who might be thought to be polarized.


About his Book Tour

Ask Science Mike Events

18-20 places.


TO HEAR THE BONUS AUDIO WHERE Science Mike answers my questions
(It’s amazing.)

Listen to many other fantastic guests and my special SOUL SCHOOL installments!

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Soul School – Lesson 34: A Flexible Perspective on Suffering

Wednesday JUNE 8th, 8pm EDT is…
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(released every Wednesday!)

If you want to be healed from past or present issues, getting emotional distance and a proper perspective from your painful thoughts, worries, and experiences is crucial. Easier SAID than done, right?

In the world of therapy, Dr Steven Hayes developed a powerful technique to facilitate that distance and achieve what is called “psychological flexibility”.

Humans are particularly good at achieving psychological flexibility, if we practice; and the basics are easy to understand.

READY to put the days of getting mentally or emotionally hijacked behind you?

(If you heard audio you’d like to share, just click the CLAMMR icon below.)

, in Lesson 34, I talk about the basics of using psychological flexibility and the important work of Dr Steven Hayes.

• His therapy is call ACT: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The clinical studies demonstrate how successful the approach is. I encourage you to find out more after you finish the short Soul School episode. Watch his video and use the link to his website below.

[ictt-tweet-blockquote]Change PAIN into PURPOSE.[/ictt-tweet-blockquote]


Click for Dr Hayes’ website and resources.


In this video he explained how his sudden onset anxiety disorder helped him come up with a therapy to create mental flexibility and distance that could be taught and demonstrated successful in clinical trails.

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Eps 59: Adam and John from The Deconstructionist Podcast

Thank you for visiting Spark My Muse!bestcake

This week is the celebration of 1 year of podcasting!
#weekofSPARKle (To party with us, you can search #weekofSPARKle on Twitter for contests, videos, and zaniness, and on eBay for some tasty and whacky auction/collector’s items.)

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Adam Narloch and John Williamson started a podcast and after just a few episodes, they had thousands of listeners–find out why. Our conversation is wide-ranging and fantastic!


MIN 1:30

The deep seated need to find a home to talk about uncomfortable issues of faith and doubt.


Talking about the Bible first and having a wide range of guests, worldviews, and topics.


A no debate policy


Asking “Is this a Christian podcast?”


Realizing audience and context


Tempted to lead double lives when you can’t ask questions.


The conservative Christian bubble and fear-based groups.


The difficulty of building our lives around mystery.

We aren’t saved through scripture.


All the ideals are mystery. Many concepts can’t be measured.


Metaphor and biblical metaphor and historical truth.

A return to mystery in science and faith that beautifully underpins reality.


Confirmation bias and protecting our identity.

CS Lewis – the Weight of Glory (and other essays) influenced Adam

A Grief Observed

Surprised by Joy  “temples building not built”

It’s about mercy

Francis Schaeffer

Catholic writers write about the spiritual dark night

God takes away our idols.


Greg Boyd

Benefit of the Doubt – making an idol out of certainty.

pleasure and threats in the brain


Why the Deconstructionist podcast is NOT part of the fringe and rather is orthodox, but won’t seem that way for too many.


Will Adam get fired?

We should not believe by proxy.


The church [has become] a box of puppies that licks each other” -Adam Narloch


How the Deconstructionist event went in a third space.

(music, art, camaraderie, coffee bar)


All are welcome but the Christian bubble is titanium.

• John’s Twitter

• Adam’s Twitter

The Deconstructionists Podcast (link)


Eps 58: Feed Your Good Wolf: Special Guest, Eric Zimmer


Today, I have a special guest. Eric Zimmer has one of the top podcasts as rated by iTunes. It’s called “The One You Feed” and I have personally gained a lot from listening to it.

(This episode was marked “explicit” because the word other word “rump exit” is used a few times. You can probably handle that, but I can only mark the thing “clean” or “explicit” –ugh!)


Thank you to everyone who has helped with encouragement and gifts to keep the Spark My Muse show going.

If you have never contributed before, but you’ve enjoyed listening, now is a good time to chip in.

Consider a gift of a few dollars.

I thank you very much.
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MIN 2:00 Doing podcasting for the love of it.

MIN 4:00 Eric tells the famous wolf parable that he asks each guest on his show (120 guests so far) and answers what it means for himself.

MIN 12:00 Eric’s spiritual and religious influences.

MIN 14:00 His alcoholism and addition and 12 step program.

MIN 15:00 Spirituality is the recognition that the things on the inside matter too as well as the outside.

MIN 16:30 Bill Wilson of AA interacted with Carl Jung who said alcohol is also known as “spirits” and imbibing is a search for transcendence. A “turning on” of life somehow.

MIN 20:30 Eric answers: What replaces the drugs and alcohol?

“Ask why the pain?”

MIN 22:30 On getting better and getting healthier.

MIN 26:30 Gretchen Rubin – Happier 

Moderators or Abstainers

MIN 28:00 On changing behavior

MIN 34:00 Having partial mentors

MIN 36:30 On his Meditation and noticing practices

MIN 42:00 Being where you are

MIN 42:30 The waterfall and the rock metaphor – distance from the chattering thinker.

MIN 44:00 Sound meditation and training to focus

MIN 48:47 Dan Harris

MIN 50:00 Question thoughts and have a recognition of the distortions. We are not objective. We symbolize. Interrupt and generalize and seeing things as all or nothing.

MIN 52:00 Steven Hayes – Cognitive Fusion

MIN 54:00 On assuming others people’s motivations.
The fundamental attribution error: Errors are attributed as character-based problems for OTHERS but only as circumstantial errors for ourselves.

MIN 58:00 Learn people’s stories.

MIN 59:00 Assuming that we don’t know a person’s backstory or reason they have done what they have.

MIN 60:00

We are telling ourselves stories over and over about what things mean. Our brains are meaning making machines.


Visit Eric (his co-host Chris) and The One You Feed website

Follow Eric and the podcast on Twitter